What do you guys think of a rotating wild?

First of all, sorry if I am not typing on correct forum but I couldn’t find suggestions other than “web suggestions” subforum.

As an all formats playing whale with full collection and crafting most played goldens with extra dust, whose main game is Hearthstone and mains and love playing control/combo but plays aggro on first few days to always hit legend cuz why not sub 4/5 mins per game is great for pushing, I understand both aggro/combo and control guys’ perspectives and find 35 HP Renathal nerf really is a sweet spot here. On the other hand, why not reducing the card total to 35? Now it’s a lot harder to hit the key cards, wish you had done that too. Renathal was phenomenal, I will still play it if goes to 35 cards.

I think we all can agree that 30 HP in HS 2022 was struggling, those who play wild against shadow priests will understand that you can die by turn 3 or 4 with their correct mulligan if the opponent can’t answer (Void Touched attendant on turn 1(Too… much… power!), can’t answer? oh boy watch this; coin + Ship’s Cannon + Southsea Deckhand (HUH HUH) + 2x Parachute Brigands (PIRATES AWAY!) jumping from hand and of course (I’M IN CHARGE NOW!) + 2x Frenzied Felwing) and now unless you have a defile or an incoming rancor good luck surviving. So 40 was a relief for control guys but now that card total is 40 yet HP being only 35 makes it harder to draw key cards. Please do consider that extra changes are needed to play this flavourful, phenomenal card ever.

I think we have a bigger problem, I know there’s a lot of you who like me have the full collection (or at least the most played ones in wild and extras sitting in your collection doing nothing) who has all the cards just to watch them sit there with “banned” tag, I think Blizzard needs to include a brand new format plus to the existing ones. I wanna play my Stealer of Souls, Tome Tampering etc. Please give us a rotating wild, which should never include anything from standard and limited to always have legacy set, a rotating 6 sets plus sets and some or all adventures packs per year. It pains me that I can’t play my say “Chillmaw” or “C’thun” or “Justicar Trueheart” etc. anymore, you got my point. With this retweaking, it will allow us to play our good old cards. I know Celestalon does care, it is clear you guys are now listening to the community a lot more cuz nerfs are hitting faster, refunding stuff, returning Rattlegore quest back due to your mistakes etc., please consider this too.

I know I’m not alone who wants to play all the cards and enjoy the game with brand new metas, brand new deck potentials which had never been a thing. Who plays a silence tech card anymore or an ooze to counter your opponent? Who can sacrifice a single card or two to counter such scenarios? How many of you have a platebreaker to make your linecracker opponent concede? None, because in today’s hearthstone you can’t sacrifice a single card. I hope you all get my point and I know some, if not many, of you already do and want something like this. Have you ever seen a “Crystalsmith Cultist” ever being played? Ever heard it’s play/death/attack sound? Have you ever seen it’s golden animation? When was the last time you played a Mind Control Tech, an ooze, an owl, a platebreaker to counter your linecracker druid, a 30/30 on the board, your opponent rogue’s 15/3 weapon, that Mecha’thun on the board and all that. Tech cards are dead because you can’t even sacrifice a single card anymore due to the meta. With a rotating wild, anything can happen. Think about it.



Absolutely not. Rotating cards would kill the entire point of wild. If you want rotation, stick to standard.


A third mode with a rotating format would be interesting, but it would probably be too confusing to figure it out and I prefer to not be limited (so I would still play the real wild).

I don’t know how profitable and popular it would be, because:

  1. standard players who dust everything that rotates won’t play it
  2. people who enjoy wild won’t play it in the long-term, because it’s funnier to not being limited

It would appeal a small portion of the playerbase.
I would prefer to see a new format that is “almost wild”, where there is a banlist updated regularly, to let some decks available (questline warlock) by banning other cards instead.
They can also easily balance stuff by banning it (if a deck is problematic, instead of nerfing it you ban one of the problematic interaction till the next patch). It won’t hurt the playerbase because it you liked the “banned deck” you could still play it in the normal wild.

This is what I would like

What you are looking for seems more of a casual game in the wild format; you can’t make a very bad deck, but it’s very possible to play with a bad one in casual

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Can we have a mode with the un’goro meta?

That was fun!

Yeah bring commander to hearthstone with 50 health x cards singleton so its not abusive with duplicates

I don’t even have to read your post because the topic say’s it all. I think given the time the game has been out and number of expansions that have been released, introducing a rotating set of cards for Wild makes sense.

There are so many cards now that simply were never intended to be combined together that have created a huge imbalance in the overall performance of a number of decks in wild.

They have already started banning cards due to this very issue. Granted only a few cards have been banned. This was inevitable, so rotating wild sets may very well become a reality as more expansions are released in the future. But only time will tell.


yes sir, that’s what I feel but as you said only time will tell

I like it. It would give more variety and interest to wild

I don’t think this kill the point of wild. You will continue to keep your cards because they will be playable in another rotation and you will need them, you continue ussing all cards, but some sets will be on the bench until it is their turn again.

To me this kinda just seems like a worst of both worlds between standard and wild. Standard players like to only require 2 years (6 expansions) worth of cards and wild players like getting to use all their cards. In a rotating wild mode, you can’t use all your cards (sucks for wild players) and you still need to have cards from all the expansions to keep up (sucks for standard players).

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Except you don’t get to use all your cards. At least not if you are trying to rank…the mode is power crept. A lot of the fun things are not playable when you run out of stars. Standard cards will keep twisting the meta if they don’t try to balance Wild or create a mode that lets sets and more decks have their time in the sun.

I am not saying they have to do it a particular way but that something needs to be done to keep Wild wild.