What do most players usually fail to do and they lose games?

I’ll start: I’ve noticed sometimes I just DON’T THINK enough. I mean there is TIME to think and I just waste it; it might be overconfidence or just laziness or just plain forgetting it’s important; sometimes the win rate goes up by just using a few more seconds to think the next move much more (not necessarily to reach the rope).


I get tilted when I missplay and it only goes downhill from there

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probsbly reading opponent cards
i run ashen elemental in wild and i lost track of how many lost because of drawing cards while its effect is active often enabling my board to win the next turn

or just losing to it like some druids i ve seen playing auctioneer and a bunch of spells

by the time i see ashen glow red because they are checking it is too late :rofl:

anyone playing the paladin titan played vs someone trying to kill aminion with horn of the windlord at least once


Why waste time when i can turn on auto play (Druid or Paladin for you brotherhood lovers)
and do other things at the same time???

You dont need any thinking to reach legend with an op deck on those classes.
And after that its just do daily quests.


They forget the Sunwell.

Shameful. :triumph:


i dont even feel like thinking most of the time, just play the cards that feel right so i can press next turn after 10 seconds. eternally long games are zzzzzzzzzzzzz

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  1. Know when to value-trade and when to push for lethal
  2. Know your win conditions when the big, tough turn comes (the “crossroads”, is how I call it) - do I draw for combo pieces? Do I just all-in and pray? Do I defend and hope to take over the board/outvalue my opponent?
  3. Predict what the opponent is going to play most likely (includes knowing the best tempo play + chances of having that in their hand by then) - I play other decks to learn this, it’s the best/fastest way to learn how to play specific matchups - only by playing a certain class do you get to know their weak spots and how to best play against them. So I guess number 4 is…
  4. They fail to play enough decks to learn how to counter them.
  5. They let their emotions overtake what’s rational.

Ooh that’s a good sneaky one for a special reason. It’s a Battlecry that is NOT one-off (an extremely rare thing),

hence used to other battlecries they think “it did its job whatever it was so let’s do whatever I want”.

I cant retain what a card’s text is usually so Im constantly re-reading my cards in my deck, my opponent’s cards in play and whatever the history from the side of the board or the HSReplay tracker can list what they’ve played…

Also misjudging the math is far too easily done. Or playing things only slightly out of order where only after you;ve done it you notice you could have swapped the order of something and came out better. But those thoughts are only there on hindsight. Its like they cannot exist in any other part of the timeline except past the point where they could’ve existed…

But remembering how I lost from matches before kinda is a drag on being able to do what is needed to avoid it again. Ive likely never encountered the cards in any given opponent’s deck before, and likely wont ever see them again either, not where I could recall them at least.

Because you’re not emotionally invested enough to change that

We both know your problems with forming new memories, but the thing is, we know that you’re able to form new memories - when those are considered important to you (love, fear, hope, desire…)

In other words, you just don’t care enough.

Only looking at the current state of the game and playing from a state of fear - overconfidence. I see it all the time, players overcompensating while not being able to have a game plan or look ahead.

One of my more recent fav decks were miracle rogue, where I was able to maintain a 90% ~ winrate over several seasons. One of the key components was knowing exactly when the game was going to end, and timing accordingly.

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kinda hard to care about something so frustrating lol. I learn gradually, like legendary cards that just become game breaking against me such as brann, reno, ysera, loetheb, ragnaros, titans, colossals, plagues, excavate bs, etc. But out of all the possible cards there are and the breakneck speed they get released, just aint enough time in the day to be that frustrated to learn em all.

Gotta play more

The more cards you learn, the easier it gets to learn the remaining ones, obviously xD

You start to notice patterns, similarities, combos, synergies, analogies between them, and it helps you remember them

As with anything, it’s hard to begin, but it gets easier with time

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Missing lethal.

It likely happens way more than people think.

Sometimes you get too focused on the board and what the enemy has, that you don’t realize what you have.

Streamers also do it a lot more than you think.

First check for every start of your turn should be whether or not you have lethal, then go from there.


That creates an inner conflict within myself because,

“It’s just a kids game. It’s not that serious.”


“You don’t care enough.”

I think a lot of players have a little trouble finding that balance. I know I do. But also, I take notes on most things. I have another game I play that I take notes on because it’s a lot to remember, there’s a lot of content and it’s too easy to forget/get distracted.

This is also even harder for mobile players because we don’t have access to trackers and it’s much more difficult to just tab over and google.

I suppose a lot of players make the mistake of not learning how to find the proper balance between caring enough, caring too much and not caring at all.

I appreciate you sharing this perspective.

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Absolutely this. Adjacent problem to that is DOING THE MATH WRONG: I did it twice this morning; the opponent had like 18 health and 22 armor and I was miscalculating the damage with Bloodlust; it’s easy to miss adding or subtracting a “10” when having to do two additions of two two-digit numbers.

Come to think of it I should probably get an overlay that shows the opponent’s total health PLUS armor (I think Firestore doesn’t show it to me).

It’s a normal conundrum for a very simple reason. Some of the streamers and other pro players are …LITERALLY professionals in the game; it’s their actual job; or others feel like it’s their actual job.

For the rest of us: we usually feel like we shouldn’t invest too much in it; we may do it subconsciously; so we have a certain “cap” in how much we care because we know it should be limited.

By failing to realize that the devs don’t listen to Classic players anymore. They listen to a certain streamer who I won’t name. Which is why I quit.

I get so caught up in shenanigans and crazy macro burgle lines and look up and think “im sorry random opponent, i didnt mean to bm you i was just having too much fun xD”

I do this at least once a day

Another common mistake is just playing a deck so much i go on auto-pilot and dont think enough about alternative lines

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Hmm Johanna Faries just handed me an index card


“Spend enough money”

ive lost at least 6 ping mage games due to not seeing i had 28-32 dmg in hand

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