What do most players usually fail to do and they lose games?

I doubt Blizzard develops based on streamers. I doubt they care a single bit about any third party including any theorycrafting site; the third parties are more often dumb at theorycrafting than not anyway; they use them for marketing.

Classic is probably gone because it just got people bored.

i know casual or competitive if the first time i see the term “classic”

A mistake I sometimes make is forgetting what is in my res pool, haha.

Mixologist>Snake Oil Salesman

Welp. So much for a Hollow Hound or King Plush, haha!

I just laugh at myself. Or try too.

I fail to get better RNG and draw luck than my opponent. That’s really about where I am with the game after 10 years, unless it’s brand new cards and mechanics, I’m not losing due to skill. Purely the randomness and not-so-randomness of Hearthstone.

That means you are Legend 1 material. Are you?

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You should try to quit the forums also…

As a clasic player the latest balance changes in wild made me feel like they care…
and give me a feeling of security that im playing in a fair environment so
more drastic changes are welcome…

Didn’t read anything I wrote, huh?

That said, if I wanted to dedicate the time to grind in legend and play decks I didn’t find as fun, yeah I could probably get to top 200.

But if you actually didn’t comprehend my post, the time it would take to do that is wholly dependent on how much the RNG (all forms, like discover and card draw.) favors me.

I’ve gone on 15 game winstreaks into legend because the game kept giving me good RNG and the decks I counter.

On the flip side, I’ve been handed my hard counter as well as poor draw, several games in a row. But funny enough, even when I switch to the deck that counters my original hard counter, I get handed nothing but other decks that counter my counter-pick.

So yes, legend isn’t a measure of skill at some point. It’s a matter of time and luck. Do the questionably “random” aspects of hearthstone favor you?

You misunderstand the fundamentals of mathematics here. Even if the RNG is a massive contribution and the skill a minor contribution,

you are not getting Legend 1 without skill.

I’ll let Obi Wan Kenobi take this one.

“In my experience there’s no such thing as luck.”

Also, it takes skill to reach every rung of the ladder. Im at Silver 5 so far and its been win 1 match get 1 star, lose 4 matches, lose 1 star and stay on Silver 5 floor… win 1 match, rinse repeat. Its not a given that with time and the mythical “luck” that everyone reached legend.

Edit: I was mistaken about being on Bronze, Im on Silver actually. lol

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