What decks do you hate facing right now?

What decks do you hate facing right now or what decks do you have trouble playing against? A lot of people are complaining about Pally and Druids but for me it’s those armor stacking warrior decks and those mages that seem to constantly recycle their cards.

It’s not the decks…it’s the Light forsaken bots I can’t stand facing.

Sure there are balacing issues, but I’d rather see all the bots gone.


The bots are bad for sure.


MAGE with inifinity turns! :face_vomiting:

And all deck where you dont have CHANCE any REACT… Cancer

Only one card left “Destroy opponent when Draw card” Activision-Bli$$ard could sell it for 100$ or 1000$ with a 99% chance of a draw in the first round pure P2W

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Reno Shaman and Nature Shaman. Reno Shaman has too much card generation IMO and Nature Shaman isn’t easy to disrupt. I suppose Hound Hunter would make my list as well, but I don’t recall facing any since the nerf (Just Reno Hunters).

Blood DK, Pure Paladin, and Highlander Hunter.

My win rate among those three is probably highest with Blood DK but it’s still my most hated.

Pathetic loser aggro troll crap. SO tired of seeing that crap EVERY EFFING GAME in Wild! Sometimes it seems like I’m the only one left that wants to actually play the game. Got to concede 19 games just to find a playable game! RNG Mage and RNG Rogue are a close 2nd.

It’s rogue pirate. By turn 3 you are done for.
There is no card you can put in your deck to mitigate this. If there was a card, you would have to get it on the flop or in two turns.
Also, totem shaman, might as quit when you see it and any deck where they can roll through their entire deck in one hand.

(I am talking about duels)
Dragon druid. Even more so if it’s elise instead of Omu.

Nothing else really stands out for me other than RNG induced bs like drawing 6 plagues in a row. But that’s just rng being rng.

Showdown Paladin, Blood DK. Whoever designed these should be fired.

My Paladin gets wrecked. Since hitting platinum I’m 2 and 15 with him.

Anything with Astalor. F that card, it’s one of the laziest designed cards that are almost good I’ve seen. His first two forms are fine, but the third dumb beat stick damage is just bad game design. They need to change his final form. Hate that card, it’s just unimaginable and dumb to have his 3rd form be flat damage.

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