What deck do you hate the most right now?

I don’t find it problematic because you can easily play around it, that’s all.

Turn 2 mail dancer is not as bad as “turn 1 trogg” before the nerf and it’s rarely game winning; you have 3 turns to kill it and use the coin.

I don’t think a big spell mage has a way to play mail dancer + kill it + naga to take advantage of it; even if it was possible, it’s still a 7+ mana play to “cheat out” a 9+ mana spell, so it’s still not broken to my eyes.

If I have to choose one uninteractive toxic play, for me is: turn 1 1/3 naga into turn 2 doggie biscuit; it ends the game immediately if you don’t remove it and many classes can’t deal with a 6 health minion on turn 2 (unlike killing a 3/2 and using a 0 mana coin)

Vomit decks. All decks are in a sense. When the strategy is to decide “do I play this low-cost-power-minion or this one” it makes the game feel like it lacks agency. I totally appreciate the role aggro plays, nevertheless.

I’m also of the position that aggro takes more brains than it’s given credit for (oftentimes).

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Im hating the quesline druids im seeing in casual. Its nothing more than a solitare deck where the openent stalls until they hit their brann + guff x2 + zola and that card that copies their taunt minions.

In general i hate combo decks but i have been facing off too many questline druid very recently.

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Taunt is your friend! :relaxed:

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sounds like you’re losing to trash meme decks.

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To be fair, as he’s playing in casual, he’s probably losing to meme decks using a meme deck. :wink:


1-Demon Huntard aka I clap your face for zillion damage. Anything related to this class makes me :face_vomiting:
2-Druid aka I do nothing for 3 turns then giganut you with the Ladies / Celestial…
3-Boar Priest aka I solitaire you then clap your face for 15 while eating your mana.

The rest is beareable but it doesn’t mean they’re correctly balanced.

Pirate Warrior.

Seriously GUYZ, just stop with that brain dead deck.

The real answer is Murloc Shaman.

With the decks I have been playing it’s an auto lose by turn 6, every time.

There aren’t many worse feelings than happening to lose to Quest Warrior. You can play well, and we’ll, they can draw the nuts. This includes the lucky spawns via The Juggernaut.

There’s a lot of stuff I don’t like going against, but Guff decks are definitely at the very top. Important context here is that I mainly play duels. Twig → sphere is broken as hell.

There is already so much stupid stuff that can happen in the first few matches already and guff is the poster child for all of it. You cannot win a game with 5 mana against someone with 16 mana

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Right now, definitely big spell mage. It’s very oppressive and any card you play basically gets shut down by them. Big Spell Mage doesn’t really have a clear weakness. 40 HP and 10 armor, good luck trying to get their HP down

when I get bored and tanking rating/tilted switch to reno rogue! let’s gooooooo

Not really a deck, but I’m running into a lot of decks that run Mutanus and try to abuse it. For example a druid used Mutanus, zolga Brann into another Mutanus (over two turns). Basically ate 3 minions, onyxia, then malygos and then Kaz, while the rest of my hand had 3 small minions lol.

Earlier today ran into a shaman that did the something similar with bonler and Mutanus and Brann.

Talk about tilt.

Mutanus needs to be looked at, people are running him as a win condition not as a disrupt tool. Kind of a shtty condition to lose to as it’s completely random. I suggest increasing cost to ten mana.

Prestor druid is oppresive needs to be deleted.

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If you cant beat them join them. Im actually enjoyeing questline druid more than i thought so. I take back what i said this deck rocks.


For me, it’s most discouraging to run into a druid, with Guff. Having half the mana that they have can be tilting, for me.


Aligment druid. Youre doing what you can but when they slam alignment its just over. Even if you stick around and is about to win then nope, 2nd alignment with kaza treasures.

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I think I have to agree. It’s antithetical to fun (although, the druid is certainly having fun) to watch your hand become unplayable, especially if you’re counting on a questline reward. Good luck playing that. I’ll hand it to Celestial Druids that the deck requires some skill to pilot correctly, though. In this regard, you might say it’s justified if pulled off well. Nevertheless, can’t stand it, and thankfully it isn’t over-represented on ladder.

I run alignment druid as an answer to hunter quest variants (recently popular) and boar priest.

It’s mostly enjoyable to make these decks feel pain, I don’t particularly like running alignment otherwise. I’d much rather play my boat rogue, but these two decks are annoying enough and in high enough frequency in the meta to force me to play alignment.

If everyone agreed to play minion oriented board control decks, I’d be more than happy to play one too, but everyone seems to love playing decks which play from hand almost exclusively and don’t care about board state, so I’m forced to play alignment to incur enough pain on those players so that they stop.

The other option is, of course, blizzard reduce the viability of these decks that rely entirely only on cycling through their decks and don’t care about board state, but that will take a while. Apparently, the new locations card type was pretty much introduced to make these “from-hand” focused decks much less playable, and force more interaction on the board. We will see if it delivers on this promise.

We’ll see, for sure. I hope you don’t think I have anything against you using Celestial Druid. The few times I played it, the fun factor is definitely there. It also requires a lot more thought than your average deck (like the ones you referred to). If I were a better player, I’d probably be running it, too. No need to justify your choice. :wink:

I’m one of those “hate the game, not the player” types.