What deck do i need to go up against plage def nite?

I have not had a plage def nite as an opponent for over two weeks now.
I made a deck that can beat them 100% all the time, but I never get matched with them.
What is the best deck to make so the algo will match you with a plage def nite?

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Play plague dk youll get mirror almost right away

Why would that be? Are you saying there is some sort of algorithm at work with matchmaking?


def nite? Deaf Night? Don’t know… never met one… I have seen only Death Knight. How to beat it? Kill it before he can put too many Plagues into your deck. But if this is the only class and build which can make you fail, the just deal with it… the game can’t let you win endless… there is no such thing like 100% win chance… the game can make you fail even against the most favorable match up if it wants… or he has extreme luck. If your win rate is above 50%, then be happy.

I climbed into legend with my own no minion big spell mage and plague dk was a favorable matchup for me.

The problem is the algo won’t match me with any.
How can I battle something that the algo won’t match me with?
Why won’t it match me with plage def nites?
Everyone says they still exist but I never get matched with them.
What am I doing wrong?
Why won’t the algorithm match me up with them, so I can battle them?
We are going on 3 weeks now and no plage def nites.

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I haven’t seen a single plauge darth knight in a very long time (apparently they still exist but I don’t get matched with them)

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