What cards are you guy exited for


So was curious what cards you guys are exited to see in the theorycraft later i believe

For me there are some standout cards that seem rly fun and here they are.


This card is amazing i think he is going to be good in priest because you can make copies as well as discover copies of him.

I do have one question if u have multiple of these on board do they buff all the spels or just the spels that each individual card put in your deck if anyone can please help me understand that please.

Other cards i am exited for is King Tide for mage looks super fun to cheap out tsunami.

Sleep under the stars for druid looks beatifull the card i love it and it looks like a great in control type of decks a very flexible card.

Treasure hunter eudora looks very fun i have a question can you only have quest open of her at a time ?

What are you guys exited for ?

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Until Reno, Yogy, Reska, Creation Protocol, Doomkin exists… none of them…


Everything is exciting except DK and Demon Hunter to me.
I found their sets a tad uninspiring.

I can’t name a specific card but I’m exited to experiment with the Shaman-Demonhunter combo. And there are a number of new battlecries for Shudderblock.

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they already do exist…

Yeah… and that is the problem… These cards are the last nails in the coffin of Hearthstone… not to mention Brann and Boomboss… Players didn’t buy prepurchase bundles for the new expansion and the devs are asking in Youtube videos why… there is a HS crisis! lol… THATS why! The power level need to be reduced drastically or the game will die this year… In a game which has a lot of recycle options there is no place for such powerful cards, mainly when the removers are really hard to counter and only in limited form… not even need for such removers because the game has already too many boardclears and discoveries to get even more than should… one of the biggest mistake the developers ever made…

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None, the expansion looks to powerful. Enjoy dying before turn 6 80% of the time.

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This is very accurate in my opinion, people are mad and I’m one of them .

The only one that I am interested in is AlpenglĂĽhen by Stefan Soll

Most of these cards seem super good.

I want the rogue tourist a lot tho, hero cards are broken for the most part.

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all of the new 1 cost cards

i play questline paladin

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I’m excited for any more cards that can generate bananas for my opponent

The only Card i wanna have, ist the 3 Mana Overplaner.

He’s maybe goot in my wild Uther-Reno-Paladin.

absolutely no card could excite me the game sucks

Bayfin bodybuilder turned dirty rat from the most useless, detrimental, self-harming card in the game since millhouse to the only thing that can legitimately fight back against most of the meta. And yes, we still have to waste creation protocol to get more rats. I’d say we’ve reached the “nuke, anti-nuke” part of the Mathrus scenario now. If history is to repeat itself the next step is probably gonna be something that silences all minions in both decks at the start of the match, at least I belive that was the next step before moderator sonic banning you for straight up attacking him was added to MUGEN

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