What can destroy Battlecry decks?

One of the decks I play is a Mage Secret and is reliant on the opponent playing spells so I can counter them, but everyone plays Battlecry card that completely bypass it. I need to know how to deal with that ability abd have it work against them.

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(assuming you are playing wild)
If you really want to play “counter” the best deck I can guide you toward is shaman
They have a lot of synergies to disrupt your opponent’s hand and board

Here the first example I found by googling “wild control shaman”
If you want to push toward the disruption side of the deck you can add cards such as dirty rat, anything that increases the cost of cards in hand…


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objection is the thing you are looking for. it is the worst card in the game, in my opinion.

run two copies of it and a way to get the spell back. your opponent will hate you.

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A really sturdy, thick tissue. :smile::grin:

Get it? Battle…cry… like tears falling… crying…. In battle….

+clears throat+ ahem… I’ll see myself out, now.

But seriously though, it depends on the battle cry deck you’re playing against. Sometimes if the quest is to “play x number of battle cry cards”. I’ll make a deck just full of low cost cards and burn through them to complete the quest.

there are neutral cards that hose battlecry cards, such as nerub’ar weblord (all battlecries cost 2 more to play) and boompistol bully (for one turn battlecries cost 5 more). those are all i can think of at this time.

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