Well this patch isnt exciting

Here I am loging in without reading patch notes, my duels are gone nad teh daily is 15 wins? Im sorry what? ow is this a positive thing? Omg duos is here but we made everything else worse.

Well I don’t see the point in spending money on this game now with Duels being gone. Only supported buying packs becasue I enjoyed having them in duels. I can play battlegrounds with out money so thats about all I will do from here on out.

I could careless about standard because its all meta anyways now.

Dailies are a joke now, Im sorry I am not grinding 15 wins in ranked blizz for your seasonal pass. Who made this decision without contacting the community first? What a joke. If the intent was to get people to play more its the opposite effect.

Agreed. I played because of Duels, and occasionally Battlegeounds. I bought packs because of Duels and because I wanted to support Hearthstone. I certainly have no intent to buy packs anymore, and I doubt I’ll play much. Playing ranked is not fun- every season there are only 4 or 5 “good” deck archetypes that everyone copies, and that it not fun for me to play against.