Well guess it's that time

So, I am going to say that in regard to this game, I am going to be 90% done with the forums. Aside from general discontent, when trying to bring up information about a suspected bug or hack, it’s now considered harmful to include detailed information including names. I am sorry that I missed that part in the agreement, and if it upset people. That said, kind of done, as I truly do not have enough current speech skill to avoid the landmines anymore. Go ahead a rip me if you feel so inclined. Have fun in game and good luck to everyone trying to get out of the Diamond 5 slump.

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It has always been inappropriate to name another player on the forums and accuse them of cheating. It is against the code of conduct. Given the number of false accusations I see on this forum, I am very happy that it is part of the rules here

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Been hard-stuck in d5 since the expansion because I only have DK decks. Probably won’t log into HS until balance patch hits. This is really bad lol