Welcome to the Year of the Pegasus

Welcome to the Year of the Pegasus

Come join us in celebrating Hearthstone’s 10th year!

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I’m once again asking about Steam release date, we need new players in the game

Ok, we prepare to the Year of Pegasus… but please… for the love of God!!! STOP CREATING unfair OP mechanics and give back the control to the game… forget the RNG! The game is 10 years old you say? Ok… then PLEASE… LET IT LIVE FOR ANOTHER 10 YEARS!! If you do things like that on it won’t live for another! :angry: :angry: :angry:

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A great year is behind the corner :grin::heart_hands::grin::heart_hands::sparkles:

I’m excited. Looking forward to the celebration and the new expansion.

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Whoever reads this!

Please buff the core set cards more!!!(the old ones):earth_asia::pray:t2::prayer_beads:

Nothing changes, Blizzard will continue to release even more stupid cards, the players complain but no, they continue as if nothing had happened (normal they don’t read the forums), they continue to spit in the face of their customers.

For Blizzard everything is fine (normal they only looks at one thing profits), you are truly the worst company.

Another thing is to remove your cheating algorithm (illegal) because see all the war brann/odyn play all brann turn 6 then hodyn turn 8 (yes too visible your match rigged).

Will we get more Solo Adventures? Hear our plea!

Thanks so much for the playlists on Spotify, etc! Can’t wait to listen to them all the time!!

Super underwhelming.

After all this…just another event track.