Welcome Dragon Druid overlords - vS 298

Dragon druid is already a strong deck, and vS predicts that it could dominate the format following today’s balance changes as most of its counters are going to be hit by the Celestial Projectionist nerf

Shopper DH is a soft counter to dragon druid and has remained a strong deck the entire time following the nerfs, it’s just been largely ignored

Mage is in the dumpster. Shaman is somehow even worse

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nonsense, lol plenty of counters to dragon druid xD I won’t tell which ones, though, out of fear of sabotaging my chances the last few days, and partly because who knows, knows, and who doesn’t, will just want to argue although they’re clueless about the game

Not for Norwis, though

Top 4 with Nature Shaman - some things just never change

I don’t know, and not interested in an argument even though I am clueless. I believe you know a lot of things that I don’t know. Interested to see how things develop

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Depends on which filter you put on the report, I guess

Top legend will find the counters quickly

Others not so quickly, but then again, dragon druid hasn’t even fully spread to all the ranks yet


I’ve seen dragon druid popping up in legend recently. I had no idea it was as good as VS indicates. I’ve been playing an overheal dragon priest deck and an autonomation deck and both do very well into dragon druid. It can’t possibly be THAT strong can it?


I don’t know dragon druid with a perfect curve is nearly impossible to beat for anything short of warriors repeated clears.

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ANY deck with a perfect curve is impossible to beat

Also, VS doesn’t have any Warrior as its’ counter

So far, it says Zarimi priest and Painlock, and then Gaslight Rogue and then Shopper DH as counters

But I know 2 more

Dragon Druid (the one with Doomkin) is a menace to Highlander Priest. It’s so hard to beat if the Druid is a decent player.

You’ll be at 5 mana and the Druid will be at 10. You can’t ever play anything to help clear the board or swing. You’re constantly rushed down by dragons because you can’t ever answer them.

The reason it hits so hard is because Flowerchild is usually played on 4. Then they doomkin you twice in a row and now they are at 8 and you’re at 4 mana. Now they have the mana advantage, board advantage AND their big minions are discounted by 1.

It’s pretty rough.

It’s the free taunt dragon and the doomkin that really hurt.

I don’t know how other decks fair against it, but my experience is that Dragon Druid (not Highlander) and Fatigue Warlock are the 2 hardest decks to beat right now followed very closely by Handbuff Paladin.

All 3 of those are just so good.

Dragon Druid is highly favored against Reno Priest.

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Yeah, my bad, I saw the wrong box in the VS report, it’s Zarimi priest

And I’m not sure about painlock and gaslight rogue anymore due to celestial nerf

Anyway, I know 2 more, at least

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I feel like I could beat Dragon Druid really easy with a Control priest deck without Reno.

But this meta is forcing Reno too much. Specifically, Brann Warrior is forcing Reno Priest for me. I wish people would stop playing Brann Warrior so I could ditch Reno.

Reno Warrior is still the most played deck and I wish it would just stop already.

You’ve seen my overheal dragon priest though. You know how explosive it can be out the gate. Dragon druid really struggles dealing with large piles of stats that early. I have a positive win rate against handbuff too.

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Yea triple coin marin on 4 is pretty hard to stop too xD ggwp

I’ve done surprisingly well with my RRG DK Control deck. I originally built it for the buff Paladin And Warlock decks.

It’s a familiar place. burn mage was just throwing mage players a bone.
I don’t believe that the new expansion will change mage much either.
Shaman might rise though.

I think it’s very possible that tempo mage will be a thing with the new expansion. Pretty hyped for the new set myself, more than I have been for a few expansions

I would love to see this:)
One thing for me that comes to mind with the new pally cards in mage, is Mana Wyrm in Wild.
It was reverted, and so cheap buffs might make early game a thing again.

sounds nice, can you share the deck?

What the hell is RRG DK? Asking for a friend.

Taking a guess but RRG is Red-Red-Green or blood-blood-Unholy more commonly written as BBU, but if he came from MTG that would be black-black-blue…

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Ah, makes sense, thanks. Yeah, I am running BBU myself and it wrecks Paladin so that is fun :smiley: