Welcome back post

As my first post since being asked to be kinder a month past, I feel I must raise of few concerns of the following deck: mech rogue. Now, I want to be EXTRA careful as to not be in in the wrong again, but I have to say this deck is wildly imbalanced in current standard. In facing 5 of the last stated deck types, they have a single or second minion that kills you by turn 7 unless you have 3 rounds of complete board clears. This, in my humble please approve opinion, seems wildly unfair. I humbly suggest that our developer friends take a look into this as it makes me feel rather dismayed on the current tone of the standard deck playstyle. I hope all of you reading this have a blessed day.

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What are you on about? There’s not a single rogue deck in the top decks right now. Stop obsessing over your loses.

I am on about the poorly designed constant buff concept (Buff Paladin and Mech Rogue). “Top” deck is a poor cop out. This is not obsessing over losses, but trying to bring focus to something that is in my opinion as a paying customer, is garbage. This was a good conversation.

The thing with aggro decks in general (and especially VERY aggro decks), is that they’re absolutely terrible at LATE rounds.

They are so obscenely bad if they are cleared at around round 8 and they have no good cards left: they can just concede [and they sort of “deserve” to be good at early rounds].

As a fellow mech rogue player with over 200 games on it, I can tell you that you’ve just been unlucky those 5 games.

They’re perfectly balanced around 50% win rate, as they depend on hitting one of the two things:

a) 2/3 which gets +1/+1 for every magnetizing + windfury + stealth, or
b) early Scourge Illusionist into 4/4 taunt into 6/6 taunt into Neptulone + Crabatoa combo + you not having any ways to deal with it (or not knowing how)

Against them, assume early board control. You need to have an answer on her 2/3 or 2/5 legendary

If they get Neptulone on the board and you can’t kill him, kill one of his 2 add-ons, but not both. That’s how his total dmg becomes only 8 instead of 14 or 16.

If they get windfury + stealth, and you can’t deal with it, just go next. It won’t happen a lot. There are many magnetizers possible (Rush, lifesteal, divine shield, reborn, windfury, stealth) and they also have to draw the 2 mana spell that spawns them, which doesn’t happen a lot.

Point is I dislike any condition where habitually any deck smacks someone down by turn five. Mech rouge is just the new flavor before the end of the new expansion. My opinion is absolutely driven by what I consider a joke in game concept and frustration. A 20% win rate against this particular deck will cause that. I am complaining, I think its crap, and felt the need to say so. Appreciate the feedback.

So its not a game of skill.

You just hope u draw a thing and if they draw a thing you gotta concede cause the games a joke.

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It’s a game of both skill and luck. It’s about knowing your opponent’s decks and playing around them to increase your win rate over the one expected by pure chance

Approach to game which you seem to have won’t get you very far. My win rate is 52% in high legend, but in Diamond it’s 80%. Why? Because skills.

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Yup. “Skill” is nothing without the RNG.