Weekly Hearstone AI blockade to prevent rewards

Why is there a reward system if the Hearstone AI is designed to slow or prevent advancement to earn those rewards?

Every month and week it’s the same blockades:

Week 1: “Allowed” to advance to iron 10 to 5

Week 2: “Allowed” to advance from iron 5 to silver 5

Week 3: “Allowed” to advance from silver 5 to Gold 10 through 6, but never gold 5.

Week 4: “Allowed” to advance from gold 10 to platinum 10, but never above platinum 10.

I’ve never advanced to Legend, although I know I have great builds! I’ve advanced to “Diamond 1” with one win needed to reach Legend, when “The Demon Seed” was first introduced for Warlocks. The Demon Seed quest was quickly banned and I haven’t even come close in the last 3 years! Like I previously stated, it’s been the same weekly blockade from the Hearstone AI to inhibit game progression and blockading rewards for the last 3 years!

Why is there a reward system if players aren’t fairly allowed to earn those rewards??? I know the answer is, to drive sales for Blizzards.

Where did you get this notion?

What AI?

The “AI”, or the game, isn’t blocking you.

How would making you unhappy increase sales? It would seem to me that happy people are the ones who buy packs?

It’s just a delirium, random moans🤦🏻‍♂️

When the exact samething happens every week, every month, and every year then it’s blocking! There’s no way in h…l that I lose 97% of my games until the next week, then I’m magically allowed to advance to the next reward bracket. It is AI and it is blocking!!!

I tell you from my experience. Reaching legend end of march and first days of april were completely different experience.
Now in the middle of month I start getting rigged games. Playing DH? Meet endless line of freeze DK. Play warrior? Meet mirror but they find brann etc

There are no rigged games; you are mistaken.


It’s not AI that is blocking you from hitting legend. I took a break from wild as I didn’t have time to play both ladders. I went from broonze with 6 star bonus to legend in one day.

It’s really about your deck and the choices you are making. Sure you’ll get matchups that work against you but you can’t win all your matches.


Some people will throw blame everywhere except where it’s appropriate.

Rigged games, bots, and AI are just the current scapegoats.

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That about sums is up, yep. Rigged game is rigged.