Weeklies quests are joke now

When you guys implmented the changes to the weeklies, it was a little much, however, very doable. But then players cried the blues saying it took to long to complete them.

Now You don’t even have to win a match to complete the weeklies like you use to, just play 10 or play 5. It takes way less time to complete weeklies now than ever. I didn’t even look at the quests I had and when I went to check them… They were all completed cuz they are a joke to complete now as they can be done so fast.

YOu guys caved to the whiners who want everythijng for free.

I think they caved in part because a lot of people who spend money, like me, completely stopped playing for weeks when they increased the quest requirements. I don’t want things for free, but I get very easily discouraged when goals aren’t achievable, and I don’t play enough to win 10 games every single week.

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Blizzard wanted to force more games played by real people.

Players stopped playing instead of increasing their games played.

Blizzard backtracked.



Where is the problem?

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this is not a good thing to complain about
unless you work for blizzard’s accounting department maybe but even then i doubt it

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If you are so unsatisfied with the new weekly quests then reroll all of them, still can get some hard ones like doing 400 dmg to enemy heroes, or play 60 Battlecry minions (if I remember right)… those are still taking time… go ahead and reroll all the play quests if you don’t like them… You can reroll only 1 a day anyway so it will take you even more time to do them… Or Register 3 more accounts then you can do the weekly on all of them… or even join other region server… if this is your most important activity in the game… then do that… Others like to play instead and try to climb rank ladder… in other words… play the game and have fun.

Maybe they should add dificulty settings for quests too and chose which one you like:

Easy: Play 10 games
Normal: Win 10 games
Hard: Win 50 games
Very Hard: Win 100 games
Nightmare: Win 1000 games

Would you be happy with these weekly quests? lol don’t be silly…

You should see the the season ones, play one of marins treasures…You need to play a 7 mana card in a meta that ends in turn 4…What a freaking joke

obvious troll is obvious?

also, i would quite often get my “win 5 ranked” done in less than 10 games, so even if i don’t have to win now, they still technically lengthened the assignment probably for many people … the “play 10” assumes an average of 50% win rate, the people who they made it easier for were the people struggling to make the weekly happen at 5 wins … i’m still not the biggest fan of the changes, but the current set isn’t as horrible as what it was when they first introduced the changes

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