Weee Legend 831 :D(Wild)


Potion of Madness
Grizzled Wizard
Shadow Vision
Zephrys the Great
Breath of the Infinite
Lone Champion
Mindrender Illucia
Twilight’s Call
Bad Luck Albatros
Holy Nova
Kezan Mystic
Mass Dispell
Shadow Word: Ruin
Spiritsinger Umbra
Witchwood Piper
Convincing Infiltrator
Kobold Stickyfinger
Mass Hysteria
Khartut Defender
Reno Jackson(we’re gonna be rich :D)
Sylvanas Windrunner
Galakrond, the Unspeakable
Psychic Scream
Zerek’s Cloning Gallery
N’Zoth the Corruptor
Scrapyard Collosus

proud to make it with my own deck again :D…got to Legend last month with a non Reno version of it with highter reliance on Khartut…Twlight’s Call

gotta note that the Reno version is superior…much highter win rate vs discard lock and vs enbiggen druid

deck list is there if anyone wish to try it out :)…cant say if you will find it easy to pilot if you try it…also dont keep finley//wizard in the opening hand vs every opponent…sometime best to keep sometime best to shuffle…as much as the combo is hilarious for the 1 doing it dont be greedy in making it your priority :wink:

EDIT: well since a new friend of mine decided to bump it…might as well edit it

Kezan Mystic—> Shadow Madness
Kobold Stickyfinger—> Sphere of Sapience

currently hovering in the Legend 350-320 with reaching 294 at best…the changes were made after a drop back to 380…had to stabilize anti-aggro(few games where my removals would not pop in hand) so had to make my draws more consistent)

kezan Mystic change reason…secret mages are too rare to appear beyond the Legend 550 point…so pretty much near dead weight down there
Kobold Stickyfinger…similar reason and to help stabilize finding my anti-aggro tools quicker…but after chaining big demons lock near back to back thinking to re-add it in :S

were the changes great ? yes it has been…however i ended up finding more demons lock for some reason after the changes…dunno if ppl swapped deck or if the cards list just sort of flip what type of opponent i be finding…Shadow Madness been my favorite addition…stealing those voidlords and some draw cards deathrattle been lovely…do i like Sphere of Sapience much ? meh…its okay and help vs aggro…but vs demonlock and other weap wielders…sad face…using Zephrys to break weapon from a lock feel more like a slap in the face…and also a waste vs bomb warrior

EDIT 2: sphere removed after coming accross too many big demon lock…added tinkmaster overspark as a replacement instead…more poly to stop them entirely from rezzing them


Well done and congratulations, friend! :+1: I’m going to reveal my ignorance here but hope you can answer this question of mine. I understand you’ve hit Legend, but what do the numbers after that mean? That you’re ranked among the top 831?

mean i’am rank 831 among the best player…mean 830 players are ahead of me…now up to 811…my last match vs cube lock was atrocious…i was down to 10 in fatigue…nightmare :S…soz for slightly late reply

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All good! I appreciate the information. I wasn’t sure. Again, I totally congratulate you. Props! :smiley: That’s very impressive.

Unique deck…very nice!

Awesome!:slight_smile: Well done. :slight_smile:

Gratz m8! And with an interesting deck too!

nice ! random words for character limit