We should call Constructed the "Netdeck" game

Exactly…netdecking is lazy…pretty sure it has been said several times on this forum.

Conservatively, yes. Might be $20k. I wasn’t keeping exact track back in my MTG days, but it was a lot.

I was also drafting regularly with Pro Tour players.

Actually they were copying our decks before Scrye even existed. They just openly came up to us and asked us for the lists and we were more than happy to give them to them. Even at the competitive level it didn’t matter because the best players will always pilot a deck better then the other 90% of the field.

I was very much a builder and refiner of decks first and player second. Although i still competed in some constructed and lots of draft. I had no issue giving my decks and ideas to the best players. I played with the NY NG crew in the very early days of MTG so i have some experience in this area. I never understood this rage from the player base that were always upset over players playing decks created by others. Real deck builders derive their joy of the game seeing players take their creations and succeed with them at the highest levels of the game.


This is a great point.

It’s really fine to like to build decks and just as fine not to like to make decks.

If I ever made a good deck, and I never really will, I can see where someone using it to win at the highest levels would be a source of pride.

Just as lazy as anyone that’s ever followed a recipe to cook a meal.

Or just as lazy as a crafter that follows a pattern.

Or just as lazy as someone that draws up plans before constructing a house.

You’re lazy too because you didn’t build your dwelling from scratch.

It’s all just nonsense that is made up to feed the fragile ego of whiny deck builders. It is really sad that this is the level you sink to try and feel good about yourself.

Human’s greatest skill is copying, copying from his fellow men … and there are plenty of examples, starting with the fire, the wheel, the transistor.
Lazy ? really ?
Oh and some people are saying sales are built around good decks … erm, im pretty sure it’s other other way around. Printing cards that will be in most good decks to incentivize people to buy them … it’s common sense. How do the devs know that ? AI, since a long time.

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