We should call Constructed the "Netdeck" game

I mean you can’t play (successfully) original decks after 1 or 2 weeks after a major patch; even if you do (successfully) make a deck it will usually end up …into one of the (existing) netdecks; the players are too many and within ~10 days max they have discovered everything there is.

Yes sometimes they do discover something (new); but it’s rarely more than 1 or 2 cards; the archetypes are pretty much settled every time.

THEORETICALLY that is not always true, if you assume the players are not intelligent enough as a sum to discover all there is.

The past few days a Rogue archetype appears to be suddenly popular but I don’t know if it’s a new deck or an old deck undusted.


Define “successfully”.

winning of course, the goal of the game.

I am playing a tier-3 (or 4) deck and still climbing at Diamond 3.

Am I playing successfully now ?

What I mean is it is not easy to determine the success point of each person.


If most others call a deck tier 3 I doubt it’s what I meant. I mean the generally experimental deck that doesn’t remind too much of any archetype (or at least it has more than ~5 cards different).

If they already call it tier 3 it’s most probably a very netdeck’ed archetype.

There are two types of skill relevant to constructed Hearthstone: deck building skill, and piloting skill.

If you are focusing on the one of these that you can emulate perfectly by pasting a code into Hearthstone, you are focusing on the wrong one. Unless, of course, your goal isn’t to win Ranked games at all, but instead to get Hearthstone internet community street cred


Deckbuilders should be happy it is this way because it means they’re doing a good job exploring what the game has to offer.

Also if less and less people are interested in deckbuilding nowadays it is in part to not become salty losers like OP.

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Testing your piloting skill pits you against one opponent of equal or very nearly equal MMR.

Testing your deck building skill pits you against literally everyone on the entire Internet, including the very best of Hearthstone’s deck builders. Two days after an expansion comes out they’ve already covered 99.99% of the ground. It’s probably literally impossible to be first to come up with anything that’s both original and good until the next expansion drops.

One is clearly a lot more stressful and unrealistic to achieve. I’d be salty too

Way back when Blackrock Mountain first came out. I made a Paladin deck of my own original creation. Paladin was off meta and no one was really playing it. A few days later I saw Kibler’s Stream for the first time ever. He was playing a Dragon Paladin and it was almost the exact same deck I made. Imagine that 2 separate people that has no contact with each other came up with the same deck idea and the cards in that deck were only off by a few cards. No one is going to find a magical original successful unicorn deck because if the deck works chances are someone else is already doing it.

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Never said it isn’t.

Just that he really is a very bad example and people that perceive themselves without that capacity should stop to pretend.

How is netdecking not supposed to exist?
Even when I was playing PS2 games, We would look up the shortcuts online.


That’s a very hypocritical personal attack (PS I know you will whine it’s not a personal attack but I saw your pattern today: you keep making ad hominems against me; e.g. on the other thread you just attacked me that “I never learn” and I asked you what did YOU learn today to have the audacity to pretend to know my life?).

Anyway on what you said: it’s very hypocritical because if you want to get “street cred” you can do it way easier by netdecking,

like your friend who keeps spamming the board about their rank and that “we are beneath them” because they’re allknowing.

Nice personal attack; it seems you’re also talking to the mirror; because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

I made the thread after I WON, because netdecking makes easy wins.

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I’ve been doing this successfully for 10 years.

You absolutely can. It’s just most people don’t.

Melphina also does and she’s very successful.


You probably read what you wanted there. I meant after 2 weeks of a major patch to make an original deck that isn’t a netdeck already by a difference of at least 5 cards.

What deck did you make this meta at least after 2 weeks after the last major patch that has at least 5 cards that don’t exist in already played netdecks?

I currently run an Amalgam dk deck that runs amalgam, silk stitching, nerubian swarmgaurd, and deathgrowl and Tidepool pupil. That’s 10 cards no meta DK deck is running.

Currently Diamond 2 with a 53% win rate.

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I meant unique cards obviously. Give us a code or a full list.

This is just dumb goal post moving.

Let me guess, so now you need 5 unique cards that no one is playing in any deck so really you mean 10 cards which is absurd because that’s 33% of a deck…

Look, there aren’t enough cards in the cardpool to make deck archetypes no one is playing. You have to take what you’re given. Mine is just a deathrattle control deck. I was running buttons and frosty decor in DK before any meta deck was before buttons was buffed and using frosty decor with deathgrowl to halt aggro and elemental decks and was successful doing it.

I’m not some unique player. There are lots of players like me out there. They post on here quite often.

You can get my deck list later when I’m in game. Oh yeah, I also run Griftah.


It is difficult but not impossible. I am above Diamond 5 with Triple Blood DK with about 57% WR and I am not a super/focused player.

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Exactly. Granted, my decks are extremely hard to pilot and learn because they aren’t meta decks and I designed it for me and my playstyle so I don’t expect most people to play it with success.

Like I can’t play Melphinas overheal zarimi priest but she plays it so well.

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That’s just lying. You can’t tell me if I meant unique cards. Come back when you are in good faith and I may consider your text.