We should be able to see an opponent's rank

After being obliterated in Heroic Brawl by a 9 rats priest and the greatest god I have ever seen playing Blood DK, I want to know which rank they are.
The only possible way to do so is adding them as a Friend, but as you can imagine, no one wants to add someone after a game of Brawliseum, the amount of salt is immeasurable.

I wish the rank was displayed at least in the friend list as “last opponent”, on HS Replay, any add-on or have a “search this player” function from the leaderboard on the website.

I have been checking one by one the name of the first 5000 legend players in America and I obviously can’t do that every time I’m dying of curiosity to see whether I faced Godzilla or Lucky Joe.

Any way to do so?

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There is not. You can’t even see your opponent’s rank in ranked mode unless you’re legend. Blizzard has yet to give a legitimate reason as to why this is the case. There of course is no real reason, as other digital ccgs have allowed you to see your opponent’s rank and no consequences have emerged.

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You used to be able to years ago. No idea when it changed.

Well its certainly not for your benefit lol.

They don’t WANT you to see their rank because you are not actually playing within your rank.

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pretty sure It changed when we moved from numbers to names, ie from rank 1 to diamond.

[quote=“Taiwan2020-1113, post:5, topic:108064, full:true”]
They don’t WANT you to see their rank because you are not actually playing within your rank.

This, you log In 2 weeks into the season for your first ranked game, your not playing some bronze 10 guy your playing a diamond 5 because that where you played your last game a few weeks before.

That’s a shame… We should be able to see the highest rank of a player whether we met them in Arena, Brawliseum or Mercenaries, just to see if our frustration is valid.
Also to make sure that the “Hunterace” you faced in Wild Silver 4 is the real one or a random, impersonating is really easy in Hearthstone.

I found my guy in a Master tour video, so I got my answer in the meantime :disappointed_relieved:

We use to, and I think they stopped doing this to bring in bots. Bots don’t have rank. Players do.

They’re not hiding their bots though. The patterns of their bots (2-word names, inability to add or report them, and instant plays without hover) are well-known and documented. There’s no need to remove visible ranks to add rankless bots.

Reason is only one matchmaking use your deck not your rank :smiley: and other bronze players would be too stressed by their diamond opponents…

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It’s because the match making system isnt about matching you up with a player of equal skill even remotely. They match you up with decks that counter yours, unless you have been paying for new stuff. There really isnt much to this game. If you pay blizzard money by buying their stuff, they match you up with decks you would have to be an invalid to not win.

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well, you can, at legend.

since mmr matters more than rank shouldnt you be asking for mmr to be visible instead ?

In your example (heroic brawl) displaying ranks would be totaly confusing.

I can join the brawl while lurking around bronze ranks, when in reality I am a legend player.

A system that displays your highest rank dosnt make sence.
It must display, your current rank and that says nothing, unless it is at the end of the month.

Imagine the complains when plat ppl get humilated by Bronze ranks, no matter if it’s luck or false rank.

Also as long as I have my star bonus, I know I face legend or high diamond ppl, so displaying their rank would show me wrong informations.
With 10 star bonus you never face a bronze, silver, gold or plat, but it would show that, when ppl still climb