We should be able craft tavern pass legendaries

Especially the golden versions

I’m just coming back to HS after a long layoff, but I had every card in the game as well as numerous golden neutrals and a full golden mage set before I quit as I’m a mage main. I believe my last expansion was Uldum for reference.

Since I came back about a month or so ago, I’ve used the pile of dust I had stored, the packs I had just sitting waiting to be opened that I had gained through twitch drops, random log in bonuses, etc. and bought some packs from the expansions I was missing. I managed to get all of the mage cards I was missing golden like I wanted and most of the neutrals from the various expansions I missed.

But what I didn’t realize was the Tavern Pass golden legendaries are straight up not earnable/craftable anymore. Why??? I can understand hero skins, diamond cards, signature cards, even coin cards, but why are the golden neutral legendaries gated behind $15 and play time? Wouldn’t blizzard stand to make more money by making them cost the standard 3200 dust to craft for those who missed out on the Tavern Passes?

The most irritating part is most of them really aren’t that good in mage decks… besides Prince Renathal- arguably the most important control card ever added to Hearthstone.

Blizzard, please, just make them craftable with dust. I don’t care about any of the diamond or signature cards. God bless those that do. I just wanna be able to have a full golden mage deck like I always could.

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The most annoying thing is the non-golden cards you can’t craft. They lock it behind silly achievements. Like Ignis probably will be “Forge 200 cards” or so. “Just look how nice of them! You can get it for free*!” Yeah, having to waste time and playing a bad deck just to forge cards… or what? If you don’t care too much then yeah you’ll eventually get it “for free” but if you really want it for this or that deck to try out then… yeah, you have to do some silly stuff first which can be very annoying I imagine.

And the golden stuff is also frustrating. Honestly I probably will eventually disenchant my golden Yoggs and Puzzle Box because the golden Prison is also gated like that. I mean if I can’t have all the cool Yogg cards in golden for my Ultimate Yogg Mage what’s the point of having all the other cards in golden and using them? Maybe I keep the original Yogg in golden to show my appreciation for the nerf revert.

I just don’t care about stuff a new player or like in your case someone that was absent for a time couldn’t get anymore. If not my potential new friend can’t get it why should I care? Except I don’t care about friends and want to play solitary… yeah, that seems to be the direction they’re going… and I certainly don’t like it very much.

Well, at least they still have deck sharing which is huge. Still plenty of room for having fun with your friends. The game just isn’t designed much (if at all anymore at this point) with that in mind. Sad but apparently what many people want.

A card is a deck now?

Also that’s the whole point of a reward track. Sucks but this is how companies make money and amongst all the reward tracks in online games, the HS one is not too bad. You can get the majority of cards through levels. Sorry that you feel like diamond and golden cards are unfair not owning

What? I meant if you want to play with Ignis and after the current reward track is gone they lock it behind an achievement wall that the fastest way to get him would be by playing a deck that only tries to forge cards. So you would take all forge and maybe tradeable cards in alongside anything that stalls the game as much as possible. And that’s what I would call a “bad deck” since it’s not even designed to win but only trying to forge as much cards as possible which feels dumb. I would rather like to see it - any card really - to be craftable. Because the way it is now I would feel bad for a new player that would like to play the card.

Honestly, and yeah I know that’s never gonna happen, I would rather want this game to be like most other games where you get everything for one price. This sort of F2P where for example people play “bad decks” just to complete daily quests can be rather annoying. I would like to play an actual game and not suddenly realize my opponent isn’t really playing a normal game but just a deck to play for example as much rush minions as possible… Just one reason why I nowadays prefer to play with friends.

What’s the point? Locking stuff behind time/pay/achievement walls? So that people that were at the right place at the right time or did pay money or grinded for whatever can feel superior to others?

I mean I get the idea and why they’re doing it and why it’s successful but… I just very much disagree with it. But of course it’s their decision and if people are okay with it then people are okay with it. I’m just stating my opinion here.

… No? … Or do you refer to some specific cards? Most cards are only obtainable from card packs or via crafting. (Probably misunderstanding here something…)

I didn’t meant it that way.

I’m mostly concerned with the normal cards anyways since for example ever since the end of the closed beta you can’t get golden Gelbin Mekkatorque anymore. But I still think it’s sad because those cards can look really good and would be a perfect opportunity for monetization IMO. But I do know that this is not actually that profitable sadly.

I mean it’s not that it feels “unfair” but I think it’s just sad that for example new players have no way of getting access to certain things. That’s also why I’m not using most of my alternative Heroes but only those you can still buy at all times like thankfully my favorite Hero Medivh. Unfortunately only with gold so you need to grind. But at least you can get there eventually. And in the same way it’s with cards like Ignis. But the difference is that one is an optional cosmetic and the other an actual normal card and to that I say “Is this really necessary?”. At least they won’t make even the normal version unobtainable afterwards, right? Yeah, I guess so, lol. Imagine that…