We miss you Fireside

Blizzard has just announced that the fireside modality is going to be discontinued, it’s a shame that with the pandemic the fireside points have disappeared. I remember that in 2019 I was starting the world of HS and when I found out that there was a fireside near where I lived, I did not hesitate to sign up, I got to go twice and I had the opportunity to meet people my age and play until 8 pm. Memories that I have of those events are a card from the WoW TCG which a person gave me as a souvenir and my 2 pins from Saviors of Uldum and Descent of Dragons.

I hoped that at some point this would happen again, but the pandemic appeared and I ruled it out, but at least you can still get pins at Blizzcon and in content creator packs (HS pins are the best, I think it’s the best) The only one I collect besides my video games)

I would like these types of events to return, although I doubt it, but it is worth dreaming.

Have you been to a fireside in your country?


Yes, in my city there were two regular Taverns, both held in actual breweries and both with an actual fire!!!

One was organized by a man who worked for AbleGamers charity and he would raise money through the beer sales to help people with physical challenges obtain adaptive gaming equipment. It was so rewarding to be involved in such a good cause while playing Hearthstone and making friends!

The other one had its own little tournament, and through that I got to meet a local cartoonist who wrote an entire webcomic about gamers (PLOX) and in the years that followed he made me a mod on his Twitch channel and put a drawing of me in his comic :smile:

There’s still an online Fireside group I just joined, even though they’re not close to me, and they sent me swag in the mail for playing battlegrounds with them on Zoom :smile: I hope that they are able to continue having online meetups even without the swag :smile:


But don’t worry, you can still pay thousands to travel from all corners of the world to come to blizzcon! But “muh health” and all that.


__I would presume the fireside gatherings feature is going away just because they do not wish to divert any of their employees time to have to work on coordinating and maintaining the feature. “Time better spent elsewhere” would prolly be the operating thinking I would presume. I would naturally presume that these weren’t a big revenue generating feature either, and since the game has become a meme in pop culture as a game no one really plays anymore (cough netdecking meta obsessed culture) reviving the feature just didn;t make any financial sense or lacked any incentive to do so.

__Or perhaps they are going to roll out its replacement instead and can look forward to that.

__None of the retirement of the mode has anything to do with anyone’s health. The pandemic naturally called for the pause of the feature for obvious reasons. It has been a long time on pause, and eventually either you unpause the game or you turn off the console to put in another game instead. They opted for the latter it would seem.

__Why the clearly altered Clone tries to make this about blizzcon being at odds with one;s health and trying to connect this retirement of the feature to it as if its about health too, is a stretch only Reed Richards could manage. The need to jab at the company is strong in this one, I sense much anger in this one. Anger stems from fear, fear leads to anger, anger leads to…suffering.

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Because flipping a toggle back to “on” is such a massive undertaking.

But then again, this is team 5 and actiblizz.

And naturally, the coc violating posts (yet another example of the two tier moderation system) get done with impunity, all to distract from the needless killing from firesides.


RIP Firesides… How little we knew thee. Much like how little some know what they speak of in terms of coc violations.

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