Way Too Much Crap Popping Up On Screen

This game is so insanely frustrating to play now. After every single match, I am being bombarded with here’s a list of quests to do. Here’s the amount of X type of cards you’ve played. Heres your ranking.

It’s absolutely destroying the flow of the game, and it’s becoming such a frustrating experience. It makes me not even want to sign up for anything. Please fix this. It’s ridiculously horrible game design.

I don’t need to see quest updates if they’re not completed after every single GAME.

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Well, you definitely should get upset over little things like this.

I like this feature.

But, then, I’m probably not nearly as wonderful as you are.

It is a great quality of life improvement to find out how far along your quests you progressed in a match. It used to be one had to back all the way out of the game mode they were in, load the journal, and open the quests tab, just to find out what their progress is. Thats a lot of unnecessary back and forth when it could easily be a popup at the end of a match that goes away with a simple click/tap. Thats 1 click/tap vs upwards of 5/6 click/taps the other method just to go from one match to the next and learning your quest progress in between.

You can get upset over something you can simply click/tap once at the end of a match but I certainly wont want the alternative back.

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Not even talking about these sorts of things. BGs every time I go to the menu, it spams me with popups about card changes literally every time I go to that screen, whether it’s first time opening the app or getting out of a BG. Dumb as hell. I don’t want to go back to the 90s.

must be a bug for the rest of us we only see each pop up once

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