Warrior just as stupid after nerfs

This deck is a f’ing cancer. I don’t understand how other players can brush it off and be like “eh, just play aggro and win before T8”. Really? Explain how that works. How would you pull that off to something that consistently goes like this:

Needlerock Totem, Safety Googles (8 armor by T2 and card draw)
Bladestorm, Aftershock, Sanitize, Brawl/Badland Brawler board clears
Deepminer into a Boomboss, Zilliax(double copy) with Inventor Boom
Ignis weapon or Reno finishers (if the opponent hasn’t conceded to Brann by then)

Wtf is this. Did they really think by raising brann and reno 2 more mana it would balance anything? I haven’t won one game against warrior since whizbang was released. After the nerfs I decided to try it out one last time. Nope - couldn’t get the win. It was about to happen, except Boomboss battlecry x2 and wrecked my entire hand. So, anytime I load into a warrior matchup I just insta-concede at this point, never in 10 years as a veteran player experienced this before. Complete BS.


yes, decks with perfect draws tend to win, and some of those cards might be overpowered not sure

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The deck is garbage now . Tier 3 at best . Takes 10 turns to get anything going. You’re usually dead by then . Get good

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bullsht, good luck killing something that gets 6 armor a turn and can clear the board easily.