Warrior is only a perceived as a problem because of rogue

I’m going to make this as simple as possible for you.

If you were in a vacuum where you only fought warriors, the decks using ooze would cut it, as they are already favored against warrior, and it doesnt help against them.

If you were in a vacuum where you only fought rogues, they would use two, as it improves their chances to win greatly.

Get it ?

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In that vacuum warriors are all heavily geared toward beating rogue.

Warrior without that catch does tend toward running weapons again, one way or the other.

This doesn’t take away from the direct point youre making, i do want that bit spoken about since the overall heart of the thread is the notion that killing rogue magically kills warrior (despite it still having favorable win rates against all aggressive decks that arent mech based).

Ooze post rogue nerf probably still needs to be used. If not for the warriors now encouraged toward either wrench or collider…then for hunter possibly.


I did forget about bomb warrior admittedly , the thing people seem to complain about the most is control warrior, and control warrior is the majority of warrior decks at the moment… Which makes sense, because you have a 1/3 chance to have a favored match up.

Weapon removal does nothing against control warrior almost always.

I also didn’t say warrior would be killed, but I expect the playrate to start aligning with other classes if rogue is nerfed.

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No. You brought up I would need stats to prove my point, I argued you would need to do the same to prove yours.

But in actuality, saying Ooze is bad to negligible against Warrior is far more counterintuitive than saying a lower prevalence of weapons in the meta would also lead to a lower prevalence of Ooze in the meta.

I mean I play Wild but i’d imagine the logic is like this for standard:
Warrior’s OP it counters Rogue a lot
Rogue’s OP it counters…most likely a mid-game mana cheat…such as Conj Mage im guessing?

So what’s easier, to play a deck that wants to draw 2-3 cards early and cast that combo in one or 2turns for a big spike midgame? Or a turbo deck that wants to rush that mana-cheat combo down? Or a counter-the-turbo deck that want’s to heal up?

My vote almost always goes to mid-game mana cheat.
If a 2-3 card combo around turn-5 is so spikey…that turbo is the strat to beat it…the problem isn’t turbo it’s that solitaire-like mid-game combo that cheats mana and doesn’t care what your opponent does.

So is there a standard mana-cheat midgame combo that’s polarizing the game?
If not, what is the reason turbo-rogue is in such high demand?

Is it that turbo rogue is faster and better than aggro hunter?

You don’t need to make a whole post about guessing things when there is plenty of data to look at :joy:

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The anti Rogue Hunter isn’t aggro, it’s Secret based.

The aggressive Mech Hunter (you play Wild, you know Mech Hunter) is bad against Rogue in Standard because there’s no board buff and depends on Magnetic a lot more. Rogue can just Sap whatever minion gets Magnetized, and heal just enough with Lifedrinker and Zilliax to extend the game until the Rogue can finish off the Hunter.

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What my point is
What deck is Rogue trying to turbo down?
Yea, Warrior’s for Rogue, we get it.

Why is Rogue played at all?
What’s Valeera beating up on?

My assumption, like wild, is a mid-game mana cheating deck that spikes hard and heavy around t5.

So what is Rogue being played to beat out of the game?

Rogue is just good. It’s early game is very strong and consistent due to raiding party and it has tons of ways to generate value through lackeys/shadowsteps/toggwaggle.

It will be nerfed. 34% playrate and a favorable match up against everything except warrior.

People arnt playing rogue to Target anything, they are playing it because it’s overpowered.


Secret hunter and token druid both have positive win rate against rogue too. Rogue isn’t crazy broken but I do believe there is issue with rogue. I don’t think warriors cards are broken but because they run so much on a Rng fest its not fun to play against, win or loss.

They dont though. If any of your response contains “According to HSreplay” just go ahead and stop right there.

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Hard countered? I win rogue as often as they win me. Its really just who got a better draw. The only true weakness of hunter is board heavy deck like zoolock murloc shaman and token druid.

Since you do not like real stats. So be it living in your fantasy that rogue is super favoured for everything. And being the only one that done so before.


Have fun being at rank 15 forever. Enjoy your “real” stats :joy::rofl:

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Except I am not. Not high but just minimum rank 5 every season for a golden epic.

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It’s sort of Kingsbane Rogue, without having Odd Paladin in the meta.

I think we all know, deep down, that everything is always hunters fault.

Yeah, the reason rogue is so strong right now is partly because no control decks besides warrior are allowed to exist BECAUSE of warrior. Warrior was strong before tempo rogue was a thing this meta. Warrior then drove priest warlock and paladin out of the meta, allowing rogue to come in and dominate. This current meta is because rogue has a pretty solid deck, and warrior doesn’t allow any counters to that rogue deck to exist.

Pretty sure control shaman can go toe to toe with warrior, but it loses to rogue. It’s not control warrior keeping control shaman out of the meta as far as I know.

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It’s always a close game. Many games into fatigue so the Shaman has to be careful.