Warrior is only a perceived as a problem because of rogue

I hope blizzard has the foresight to nerf Rogue before deciding to nerf warrior as well. Warrior is the only reasonable counter to Rogue at the moment so thats why their playrate is so high.

All hunters at the moment destroy warriors. Whether is Mech hunter’s destroying their mid game or 4-6 dire frenzy’s hunters eat warrior.

Conjure mage also does well against warrior. It’s hard for them to deal with multiple big threats on small boards and large tempo swings. They only have two brawls (Granted mage knows the match-up). Even Mech paladin is very favored against warriors.

Token druid and Murloc shaman have potential to be very good, but they are being overshadowed by the elevated amount of control warriors due to rogue.

Also, everything is just overshadowed by rogue. I’ve never seen a meta where a deck only has one bad match-up. Rogue is favored against everything except control warrior and only slightly unfavored vs bomb warrior.

Please just hit rogue with some much needed nerfs then wait for the meta to adjust.


Hear hear. I’m blown away by people who think warrior is an issue. Control warrior has such clear counters, and it wouldn’t be nearly this popular without rogue preying on the rest of the field.


I would agree personally.

I wouldnt agree at all.

Ignoring how damningly polarized it is…you have no idea what else it could be doing. A lot of its current list is designed to handle rogues and mirrors.

Remove rogues and suddenly it has A LOT of freedom to remove and shift cards. All while remaining abusively polarized to “normal” aggressive decks.


Nerf everything.

20 characters!

To do what exactly ? That doesn’t make a lot of sense honestly. What cards could they add ?

Wouldn’t other decks be able to do the same thing ? Almost every deck is running 2 ooze, warriors weapon removal is just better, so you could argue other classes would have even more room for improvement since ooze is so sub optimal and weapons project is great.


Someone gets it. They will go double Spellbreaker and MCT to target Hunter, Shaman, and Warlock if you just nerf Rogue.

This is an easy swap for double Weapons Project and Harrison, which is only good against Rogue and Warrior.

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But 2 ooze is just great for every other decks ? Warrior gets other utility from weapons project other than a bad body. You could argue weapons project is a reason they are doing so good against rogue, not something they run because they have too.

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Now you see what I was seeing and commenting about last week.

I don’t believe they’ll nerf any Control Warrior cards just yet, with the exception of Elysiana (which really only matters in the mirror or against other control decks).

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Theres also the fact you dont absolutely need all the AOE removal either. Rogues can generate boards like token druid, so ot IS needed now.

If the meta went tall instead, which it probably does a little since giant mages are so big and mech pally gets a little more room, they can swap in execute or even take some dragon packages to handle thicker late game.

Or just flip to control bomb depending on where it lands.

Warrior has access to the greatest removal package in the game, because most of it is tempo generating as well. And dr boom makes that tempo immediately available for use. It’s really not hard to shift that core around.


Everyone else is running double Oozes to target Rogue and Warrior. It’s just like pre nerf Witchwood.

In Witchwood after the Paladin, Warlock, and Rogue nerf (which also took out Aluneth since it was a Warlock/Rogue counter) Harrison disappeared from the meta, faster decks removed Oozes, and most slower ones went to single Ooze.

I think any mech deck will keep warrior in line because it bricks both of their dynomatics and any future ones they discover

No one would run weapon removal to target warrior. They run it for rogue. Most lists are only running 1x supercollider… which honestly isnt even that good right now.

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But Rogue didn’t suddenly become popular out of no where (no deck does).

The reason why people flocked to Rogue is because of those dumb Huntards who don’t realize that their beloved Bomb Hunter is hard countered by Rogue.

I blame the whole situation on Hunter.

It’s popular because its insanely strong. Simple as that. Hardly anyone plays bomb hunter above rank 5 because its not that good. It’s a deck for new players.

Lackey rogue is incredibly consistent and in the hands of a good player can do some incredibly insane things, which is why the playrate is so high at legend. It can go the distance with Toggwaggle and is just deadly at multiple stages of the game and is good against pretty much all matchups because it has all the tools. Its winrate against control warrior isnt even THAT bad… which is just insane.


You find a way to always Blame Hunter =p

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Per VS latest report:

Rogue, 24%
Hunter, 18%
Warrior, 16%

Keep telling yourself that a tech card that gains 16% effectiveness off the Warrior matchup would be equally popular if the third most popular matchup was Shaman and Warrior was as popular as last year.

So you are arguing that ooze is as effective against warrior as it is against rogue? Lol.

You would need to look at the mulligan/play rate/draw rate to determine that. Just because its a “weapon class” doesnt make it a good tech.


I have to look at it to argue for it, but you don’t to argue against it?

This is not rocket science. I have Ooze in deck, Warrior plays a weapon, I Ooze you lose tempo and develop my own. I have Ooze, Shaman Smashes my Ooze with a totem and that Spellbreaker starts to look better to deal with Ancestral on Ysera.

I don’t know how effective it is, but even a noob can see it’s going to have a positive impact.