Warm Up Next to the Fire with the Fall Championship!

Warm Up Next to the Fire with the Fall Championship!

The Masters Fall Championship is here, with 16 players battling for an invite to the 2022 World Championship, only on YouTube!

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…just 2 packs again?

would be nice to get 1 pack per hour up to 4


А ещё лучше получать 4 пака и каждый день! Вам и так их дают просто за просмотр, но вы хотите ещё больше! Дай человеку палец, а он тебе по локоть откусит!

Why does a top player like you need card packs ? Begggaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrr

Not sure if it matters, but the “rules” pdf that is linked to in the announcement article states that the YouTube drops will take place the weekend of the 7th-9th (not the 28th-30th).

Looks like drops are not enabled. There is no diamond-symbol under the video on YT. Also confirmed by several other users in chat. Please enable drops!


Totally agree with that. This has nothing to do with being a beggar btw. Just plain user friendliness which blizzard is lacking more and more as we all know. Hopefully Microsoft will come in strong asap and make some good changes in that regard in general!

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How about letting players warm up to actual fireside gatherings?!

Maybe implement the changes people have been BEGGING you to make BEFORE the pandemic and you pretty much killed them entirely, rather than actually putting any real thought into how an aspect of an ONLINE game could…you know FUNCTION ONLINE!

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Today they are enabled , apparently

So I am not getting packs for watching over four hours on the first day? What a bunch of idiots can’t do anytyhing right.

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Never trust them to give rewards for watching. I learned the hard way eyars ago, both in hearthstone and wow.

It’s a fraud tactic designed to pump up their numbers and if you get your stuff, great. Otheriwse they don’t care.