Warlock Discard

What rank is this? Because both of your decks are complete garbage.

Boy, you sure like going on tangents. But since you ask so nicely and I’m not one to pointlessly digress, my game happened at D5.

Yea, his deck will be stuck at D5 unless he change it.

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3 games ? really hard to believe this happened 3 games in 1 day not exactly a 2 card combo
"humpers "?? ohh you are telling us not to take he post seriously
good to know thx!

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That DH deck has what a 45% w/r anyways? Tickatus warlock isn’t the problem them garbage deck your playing is.

Also that deck you played against is actually a troll deck for other tickatus decks. Clue is in alter of fire being there

Where in this thread did I say anything about Tickatus Warlock being a problem?

Nowhere, you just proved me wrong that is all. I said it was not possible, it clearly is possible and i was wrong. But the deck is a non-issue as it is garbage. Ticatus the card is not a non-issue however and it needs to be changed, and i am playing control warlock atm.

I said the same thing, for what’s worth.

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i play this deck in hopes of it getting nerfed

You do realise you linked to a game replay of tick warlock right,??

Tickatus is probably problematic. It generates the same feeling against Quest Rogue in the past: useless against aggro, destructive against control and combo. It should be addressed.

Yes, because I was showing SuperGnu that the specific double-Tickatus deck exists in Standard. At no point anywhere in this thread I said Tickatus was a problem. In fact, I said the opposite in this very thread:

some corrections: quest rouge had a pretty good matchup vs aggro thanks to all divine shield taunts they played.

as for tickatus against combo and control: you lose against combo every time unless they get unlucky and you get the absolute highroll. you do win against control priest and thats if you draw jaraxxus and not thx to tickatus, good priest players have no issues building up their value generation in hand to counter a tickatus.

Jepetto makes him a 1/1! Although you may not like what else he does…

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I am sorry but have to disagree with you. You are the first one i’ve seen to say quest rogue is good against aggro, man.
About tickatus: yeah. Burning 10-15 cards may have high chance to destroy any slow combo decks. Not everyone plays APM mage.

at that point you are past turn 10, and if a combo deck needs more than 10 turns then its simply not a good combo deck because you have lost to most decks at that point.

quest rouge as it height of power finished there quest by turn 4 and they had plenty of divine shield

It’s so blatant at this point that anyone defending Tick is maining Tick lock.

The card has such a retarded design and there is no current way to play around it besides having 10 cards from your deck milled. Don’t get me started how easy it is to corrupt Tick with no tempo loss at all (Malicia or Twisting Nether/Strongman anyone?).

Tickatus lock is without a doubt the cause of this terrible aggro meta.

Can you beat Tickatus lock with an aggro deck? Sure.

Can you beat Tickatus lock with another control deck? No you can’t. Tickatus kills any chance of any other control deck being viable.

Good luck winning a prolonged game with only 20 cards. Even if you were only milled to 25 cards, Lock has so much hard removal now that you’ll still die to fatigue eventually.

Don’t believe me? Just look at the stats. There’s a good reason that Priest is sitting at the bottom of played/win rates – Aggro priest is not a thing. Every other class is only staying competitive against Tick locks by playing aggro.

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My three most played classes since the expansion came out are Priest, Mage, and DH. Tickatus is not an issue card.

Can’t have your cards milled if Warlock is dead.

Tickatus is not the reason aggro is dominating, except for the fact that aggro decks tend to farm bad and poorly optimized control decks, which Tickatus is one of.

Control Warrior could last expansion, Menagerie Priest can this expansion. Control Warrior might be able to, too, but the deck is nowhere near refined yet.

Just because you can’t outlast Warlock it doesn’t mean control decks are dead. Much like the fact that you couldn’t outlast Galakrond Priest last expansion meant that other control decks weren’t viable.

Per HSReplay data, Diamond-Legend ranks, Control Warlock has sub-50% winrates against Lifesteal DH, Clown Druid, Hero Power Mage, and Spell Mage. So no, clearly aggro isn’t the only way to beat Warlock (but it’s certainly the most effective way).

The people who keep on yapping that Tick lock is never played on ladder make me wonder if we’re playing the same game at all :thinking:

There’s a difference between “Tickatus is never played in ladder” (which nobody said) and “the deck that tries to discount Tickatus with Dark Portal is never played in ladder” (which is what Marcoscongas is saying). Technically not true, but Dark Portal Tickatus is very much a fringe version of Control Warlock.

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