Warlock Deck Burns all My Cards. My Entire Deck at turn 6

I just played a warlock deck. On turn 6 he burned my entire hand and deck on turn 6. Nothing I could do. Is this a thing, I tried to link the replay, but I cant here. Seems to be a hack. Would love to hear more about people running into this trash.

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I would like to see this replay.


around turn 6-7, he kept loading in cards, burnt all my remaining hand and deck. nothing could be done.

When he started I had 22 cards in my deck. All burned. Hoping this was a cheat. If this is a real hand in the meta. This game is doomed. Total cards burned of mine on his turn. 28.

This is not a cheat or a hack. It’s just an OTK combo. The minion your opponent gave you destroys 3 of your cards everytime your opponent plays a card. Simple but clever.

You are playing in Wild. Combos like this are not that rare.


Do you think its healthy for a card game to offer the option to burn 20+ cards out of someones deck on 1 turn? its also not OTK. i didnt die on the turn. i conceded after i realized time and money has been wasted on a game with designers that keep making ridiculous cards.

This game has taken a disgusting direction and people can continue to be blind to it and say things are balanced for some odd reason. but i wont. as a player with over 10k games under his belt from beta. ill prob be saying good bye if battlegrounds doesnt keep my attention sadly.

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Is it healthy? No. Not really but that combo requires the perfect draw /perfect set up. I wonder if there’s counters to such a deck? Like Steamcleaner or counterspells? Maybe drop the Dirty Rat around the 5th turn to pull one of the minions early then rush kill it?

For every deck, there’s usually a few counters.

That’s what you get when you play in a game mode with every expansion ever combined into 1 meta. Play a different mode if you don’t want crazy combos like this.

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You picked up a standard deck to play in wild mode and you’re crying?! This combo is an old one from the warlock!! However, the deck is updated to make it faster!! Mormal!! Wild mode is like this!! Stop crying!

The only function of this type of deck is to make the opponent mad!! It’s a type of deck where the warlock will play 10 games and only win 2, depending on the rank he may never win a game!

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For Activision your cards that you have farmed for hundreds of hours of play or pay also belong to the opponent so he installs the mechanics that we can touch by hand or opponent’s deck except that our cards are our cards and he It never belonged to the opponent (personally I have never given permission to my opponent to touch MY CARDS).

The mechanics must be deleted, do you find it normal that your neighbor takes your car to go to work without your authorization?

i seriously doubt that deck is a meta deck

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as others said add dirty rat…add theotar to your deck

and no… this sort of deck is not healthy for the game with all the tools to fish effectively for the combo…there is much worse than that though

game hasn’t been healthy since darkmoon faire expact though…your late in the news…way late

the current worse bs is turn 3 otk

oh and 10k matches dont mean your a good player…get in the top 300 legendary players and your word may have some weight…honestly something you never reach base on your reaction to a simple combo thats existed for rly long time…you even got to read the effects of each cards your opponent played but could not comprehend what they do somehow…if you made it pass silver i’d be surprise

well you got a lot to learn

I haven’t seen a deck like that in years. Probably just stumbled across an old meta deck which is more of a meme deck than anything. What rank?

The only thing about cards being yours is that you’re allowed to put them in your deck
If there are game mechanics that allow hand disruption then that’s the game, deal with it
To my knowledge I never gave permission to my opponent to touch my minions or my hero yet they can destroy both

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Turn 6? You are lucky. Some Wild combos don’t let you to survive till that turn.

this situation is one of the typical blizzard strategies, you don’t have a deck that often devastates you, your mind will therefore be at a crossroads, uninstall hearthstone, or pay as soon as possible by buying new packs to be able to build the deck and go on the counterattack, obviously according to blizzard statistics the percentage of people who choose to buy is much higher, the others who leave the game or remain living the in-game stress of losing have no relevance