Those card are garbage. Why does blizzard hate warlock?
Ultralisk Cavern might see play. The others? Useless. One 8/8 isn’t nearly enough payoff to justify running cards that need a location to function AND have absolutely no offensive utility.
With Coin you can cheat Out an 8/8 on T3 or with Location 2 8/8 on t4.
But this is a Highroll.
You would think these would be some of the most powerful cards printed this year since its a 1 off set and if they’re too weak they’ll end up losing relevance too quickly… and you end up with a worse meltmental as part of some weird location synergy package.
The zerg and protoss hero cards are the best cards
How are you getting a 2nd 8/8 on turn 4 even with perfect draw? The location has 3 charges you can delete 2 with the Warlock spell and burn 1 durability using the location but that gets you only 1 8/8. To get 2 you have to use the location more than once. Best you can do is coin 1st location on 2 play 2nd on 3 Use 2nd chrage of 1st location on 4 and Cosume for 1st 8/8. Turn 5 use 2nd charge of 2nd location and Consume for 2nd 8/8. Or you can coin first one on 2 use first charge and cosume twice on 3 for 1 8/8 then play 2nd Location on 4 and use up the last charge on turn 8 for the 2nd.
I don’t think they’re that bad.
Ultralisk Cavern is fine. Consume is ok, a bit too niche to see that much play but healing for 8 for 1 mana is good in a Control deck. Spine Crawler seems terrible at face value but… it’s 2 mana. Covers your face quite well for 2 mana, the +3 damage is irrelevant and synergizes well with that other 4 mana location.
I don’t really see why these are so trash. Definitely nothing impressive but I think they’re fine.
They are trash because Warlock has basically been doing it on 2014 with Giants and no extra hoops for the 8/8s and the cards fight each other. 1 card wants location in play another wants location deleted and the 3rd help you delete the location but it does nothing else if your using it early. Its all synergy cards with weird anti synergy that works against each other.
So every class gets cards that harmonize with the Zerg.
Only the Warlock gets nothing. <.<
You can play these cards in every deck, except in Zerglock.
Why, Blizzard?
Yeah the 8/8 isn’t very important here. I see this as support for a Handlock/wheel/control package and nothing else. These are mostly control cards.
These kind of just have anti-synergy with the rest of the zerg set, are too weak to see play (except maybe spine crawler in a control deck), and create an awful larvae roll for the rest of the zerg classes.
These are surprisingly awful.
is what i thought when i saw the location
warlock zerg cards seem to aim to a completely different deck type than DH ones
The warlock zerg cards just feel like an entirely different set than the rest of them. They are pretty much incompatible packages entirely.
And to make matters worse, these cards aren’t even good.
Don’t forget that ancient watcher DID see play in quite a lot of warlock decks back in the day. I wouldn’t write off Spine crawler so quickly
Spine crawler is the card I think is ok.
I just don’t think it’s ok in a Zerg deck.
Mountain Giant with extra steps, that don’t do anything useful if the steps are out of order later in the game.
Trash tier.
Perhaps are they afraid of what (control) lock will lose next rotation? Notable cards I see that will be gone ~April
Opera soloist has its moments
Dirge of Despair
Void Virtuoso
Demonic Dynamics is seeing some play in certain demon/kiljaeden decks
Felstring Harp
Maybe even Doomkin in control vs control
Titan obviously
Mortal eradication
Forge of wills
Elementium Geode
Soulfreeze has a few moments
Gloomstone Guardian (more of a druid loss but it is technically a big taunt to help stall to late game)
Popgar sometimes for the removal+heal
This is before considering if core set will see changes (I’m mostly thinking of dark alley pact)
For now if locks want to play zerg they might want to consider the neutrals more than their own class stuff
Though that might not be as bad as it sounds. I think neutral zerg is the easiest as a sub package to complement whatever your main thing is. Spawning pool gives some cheap tokens and you can give your zerg board rush one time to hopefully flip the board (and ultralisk cavern looks to take that further beyond). Brood queen is interesting is that the wording indicates you can randomly access zerg minions from ALL three zerg classes. And Kerrigan gives you two more brood queens. Brood queens are pretty good soft taunts, and if they can’t deal with it you might just be able to win with random zerg and kerrigan