Warlock cards for you zerg

Locationlock Will be a thing and it Will be hilarious while most Will be whinning on the forums because it Will be breaking some imaginary design rule they think that exists.

It has everything from draw to heal , sustain and board presence.

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Oh I think people are used to locks using location. Forge of wills is a thing, and probably the one reason people don’t seem excited about ultralisk.

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trash tier ? with all the divine shields we are going to see after mini set release ?

im going to give it a try because being able to pop all divine shields seems useful

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Yeah but this is kinda different because a while deck with around 1/3 being locations would be New.

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Ultralisk cavern —> deal two damage to minions.

Consume —> target any player’s location

Spine Crawler —> poisonous.

Bad Omen —> 5 mana.

Hellfire Thrusters —> 3/3

Forge of Wills —> 3 mana.

Whatever you’re on, I want some! No way in hell FoW deserves a buff. EVER!

Hellfire Thrusters should be able to go face imo. Even then space lock wouldn’t see play.
The state of warlock is so bad. I’ll be sitting this out for another few months. Wheelock is still the best deck. New expansion and miniset have done nothing to change that.

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Correction - Insanity with Ethereal and Bob is better than Wheelock

I agree with the rest

Well I thought it’d be fun to come back to this thread to fact-check some of the takes in here lol

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So, is warlock zerg good now, or just as bad as we thought?

It’s definitely much better than anyone thought. That’s likely due to the deathrattle location going off twice and the giant that gets location discounts.

But there are still other decks that are way more powerful.

It’s probably Tier 2-3 right now. Definitely playable.

It’s actually in the top 3 in the higher ranks according to hsguru, depending on the bracket. Dunno where it’ll stabilize but it’s definitely a good deck and very competitive.

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