VS Syndicate's podcast is out. We have a 3 class meta

Is anyone playing anything but Odyn Warrior now? That was pathetic. I just played 13 game sin Legend and it was the same deck each time. this is really crazy. I cannot think of the last time i sat down to play and faced the same deck that many time sin a row. WoW.

Only a Sludge Warlock would write that pathetic title. The podcast had them massively whining against Sludge Warlock.

They mentioned Warrior as an indication of the pathetic state of things as that should not be a meta either.

Rainbow DK has pretty good chances vs almost all odyn variants if you use your heals, freezes and taunts effectively. You can stall them out to the point they run out of removal, and as long as you freeze face they can’t otk you.

That’s the only deck I’ve run into that has about equal chances with odyn warrior, nearly everything else falls over.

It’s hard to compete with a Reno deck that can consistently swing for nearly 60 damage to face in one turn.

If the Devs don’t nerf Sludge Warlock, within the next 10 days at most, at least 10% of the player base will abandon either the game entirely or at least constructed Standard.

That deck is hard falling off at D5-Legend. Warrior just eats it alive now since players moved away form the highlander version.

I’ve been doing pretty good against the warriors playing Hunter. I went 11-2 in that stretch of warriors. It was just weird to keep seeing them cue up. This could be due to Nohandsgamer making rank 1 with the deck earlier tonight. The wagon has started.

And don’t get fooled: Vicious Syndicate is RESPONSIBLE for the abusive nature of the game too.

They were simping for Sludge Warlock last podcast because they wanted to play it themselves.

Now the players are abused by Sludge Warlock and its counter (Warrior).

Don’t get fooled. Warrior is a side effect; it’s the direct answer to the situation of the initial abuse of the Sludge Warlock; the main opponents of Sludge Warlock are its MIRRORS and the direct specialized answers to it like Warrior (e.g. Warrior is nowhere near that abusive against all aggros because they[warriors] have to at least go to round ~8 before they even try anything(Warlock can EASILY win even from ~5-6 lol…)).

Vicious Syndicate does a good job explaining the situation in the latest podcast though they don’t admit they are partly responsible because last podcast: they were simping for sludge warlock specifically.

That’s your expert estimation based on your extensive knowledge of statistics and computing, right?

KK, thank you


The pure essence of Hearthstone is Wild :vulcan_salute::relieved: standard was made for new players, imagine you’ve been playing Magic, Yu gi oh or whatever, for 20 years and someone tells you that you can only use cards from the last 3 years, nonsense :thinking: (my pov)

So I copied Meati’s list and played it for 20 games or so in 2000-1000 Legend. I am not impressed. Death Knights are a nightmare and any Warrior running Brann into TNT guy has a huge advantage in the matchup. So overall it just feels like an inferior version of control warrior where you almost always lose the mirror

I mean, technically I agree with Carnivore here

but two important clarifications:

  1. They’re going to leave even if Sludge Warlock is nerfed
  2. They’ll be back next expansion

Probably more like 20% honestly

Yeah you’re both crazy.

People have been saying things like that for 10 years and the game is still going. In fact, people are getting back to it instead of quitting xD


It is just that hearthstone is a seasonal game.

We get a big low at the end of expansions and people return when the next start.
You would be scared by the data but it is really normal to lose a massive amount of players at this time.

It’s not a sky is falling thing or anything like that.

The devs don’t balance the game based on what VS tells them to do. We don’t know if they even listen to the podcast or read the report that often. They have all the data server side and they have their own metrics. Their data is the best of anyone’s because it’s 100% complete.

How? What’s your win condition against other warriors as Odyn Warrior? I made the deck and I don’t understand. How do you take off all that armor? Do you not spend any armor gen until you drop Odyn or what?

As soon as Meati’s lust went “viral” and all tbe streamers picked it up, it’s virtually the only deck I faced yesterday.
These are the same losers that hopped on the Druid train because it was broken, then suddenly jumped ship to sludges and then abandoned that because there’s a more broken interaction.

Sorry to say but it for sure feels like blizzard balances the game as VS tells.

I’m would not say that blizzard does ONLY what is told by VS but it is very unusual for both to go against each other.

VS has too much hold on the more engaged players to the point that it’s a nightmare even for blizzard.
As long as VS not do straightfoward jokes in their articles even the community usually dismiss what is said by blizzard regarding game balancing if it’s VS saying otherwise.


This is slightly wrong.

The devs themselves admitted to basing more of their balance decisions based on content creators not too long ago (sometimes last year).

That’s why our balance changes have largely been what has been trending on social media.


Are you suggesting that blizzard is unfamiliar with VS’s work despite the fact that half of team was hired directly by blizzard?

Seems like people do not forget their roots in these situations.

Even if they are not in collusion, they have similar approaches and bias regardless.

I suspect this is correct; however, that does not necessarily mean they spend the time using them in the same way VS has done for us.

I think this is a fair observation.

I do not think the average player understands the data enough to disagree with VS.

Would you possibly remember where you read this so that one could see their exact words. I did not see this disclosure.

For VS i’m would go as far as to say.

Even when they’re wrong it isn’t due to bad work but due to lack of structure to put extra time into research(that they didn’t have).

That because usually when you disagree with VS you not disagree with data or with the situation presented but with context in general.

And for that you usually need to look at the entire film collecting information into more than a single report and actually playing the game.
That way you can reach conclusions and put they into test in game.

And we already a decent amount of briliant(in the sense that it did Go against what was believe) conclusions like:

Until 3/4 years ago people did really believe that deck popularity was correlated only to powerlevel.
Now we understand that it isn’t the only factor and even VS learned it.

It is the type of work that only someone who play as hobby and has very narrow interests would do because paying someone to take that type of effort is something that not generates profit at all.
Not even for VS itself.

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