VS Data Report #136: A Cyclonic Meta Change


While things are settling in terms of card choices within archetypes, there are a couple of changes that are interesting to note in the macro meta. The biggest one is the rise of Cyclone Mage, which has exploded at higher levels of play. At legend, its popularity has risen by nearly 50% (compared to two weeks ago) and it is now more popular than every single class.

Hunter’s in decline, and this is particularly drastic at legend, where Bomb Hunter numbers have fallen hard. Bomb Hunter has been very successful on ladder, it’s nearly non-existent at high-profile tournaments.

Warrior, Rogue, and Shaman have mostly stayed put. There’s a small nudge from Bomb Warrior to Control Warrior, and Shark Rogue’s popularity has increased outside of legend. Other than that, archetype composition in these three classes is very stable.

The bottom 4 classes are in development hell. Paladin and Druid are lucky to have one deck. Warlock and Priest, not so much. Saviors of Uldum could not come too soon for these classes, and that has been Rise of Shadows’ biggest problem: too many classes “feel” irrelevant.

Mana Cyclone and Conjurer’s Calling found each other, in a “Miracle Mage” deck that ran the spell-centric shell, but topped it off with 4 giants to act as CC targets. Cyclone Mage was born and jumped out of its Tier 5 status and turned into a serious contender that still had trouble matching up well enough against Rogues and Warriors.

Then, two golden patches came for Mage. The nerf patch slowed down Rogue, making it more difficult for the class to rush down Mage before it was able to find its swing turns. The buff patch gave Mage its final piece of the puzzle, a 5 mana Luna’s Pocket Galaxy which helped its Warrior matchups. Mage was now able to successfully contend with two of the most popular classes in the format, and enter the elite company. It should stay there until August 6th.

Warrior has shaped the Rise of Shadows meta like no other class because its defensive tools were so punishing to any aggressive decks that relied on initiative. At no point was Warrior “oppressive”, but it was certainly meta defining, forcing decks to make adjustments to this matchup, or falter. Warrior was the only class holding back Rogue from terrorizing ladder before the balance changes. After the balance changes, Warrior was arguably even stronger since Rogue’s popularity remained high, and Aggro Shaman emerged.

With balance changes hitting Preparation, Raiding Party and EVIL Miscreant, Rogue’s game plan was slowed down and the class moved towards a more resource-focused game plan. Shark Rogue became the most popular deck within the class, but the success it enjoyed in tournaments did not translate into resounding success on ladder.

Even so, Rogue is clearly one of the most well-rounded classes in the game, and it’s hard to envision a world in which it doesn’t find a big role to play in Saviors of Uldum. After all, it still has some of the best cards in the format. Heistbaron Togwaggle and EVIL Miscreant are nuts. Myra’s Unstable Element is nuts. Hooktusk is nuts. Vendetta is nuts. Even Pogo Hopper, at its new mana cost after the buff, could break out with additional support.

Bomb Hunter remains one of the most meta defining decks on ladder, and an opponent that could never be ignored. Midrange Hunter struggles under the weight of Raiding Party Rogue. The Rise of the Mech patch brought about changes that impeded Midrange Hunter’s rise to the top, and the archetype was limited to a more modest role. Going forward, Zul’jin remains one of the strongest late game tools in the format, and thanks to this hero card, Secret Hunter has also quietly been a successful performer on ladder throughout Rise of Shadows.

Murloc Shaman was the best deck the class had to offer with the introduction of Underbelly Angler, an extremely strong minion that enabled reloading of the board without expending resources. Of all the cards that were given to the class, this one had the biggest impact.

Control Shaman couldn’t contend with Warrior’s dominance, and Big Shaman was a promising deck that fell just a bit short of remaining impactful for long. The Thunderhead buff changed things for a class that was going stale. Already a powerful card before, a 3/6 Thunderhead was now straight-up absurd, pushing an Aggro Overload Shaman to the forefront. Aggro Shaman’s matchup spread has proven to be extremely strong, but Warrior’s dominance of the field kept it from taking over. Indeed, should Warrior ever weaken in Saviors of Uldum, and other defensive decks do not rise to stand up to Thunderhead, watch out for Aggro Shaman to break out. It’s a ticking meta bomb.

But Paladin failed to deliver on its pre-expansion promise. Secret Paladin ended up being a massive dud. With the loss of Divine Favor, the deck ran out of gas too often and couldn’t close games reliably. Holy-Wrath Paladin couldn’t sustain a strong enough role in the meta, and couldn’t deal with Warrior whatsoever. Other experiments such as Dragon Paladin or Big Paladin died as quickly as they were born.

Mech Paladin has been the only real sign of life for the class, but has provided a very polarizing matchup experience for its players, dominating Warriors while getting obliterated by Mages and Shamans. The change of Crystology to 1-mana re-invigorated interest in the deck for a while, and the card will be particularly important to follow in the future. Crystology is one of the strongest cards in Standard format and has the potential to be meta breaking, so watch out for impactful 1-attack minions in the Saviors of Uldum set.

Boring. That’s the best way to describe Druid in Rise of Shadows. It wasn’t the worst class, having a viable option for ladder throughout the entire expansion. But, it was extremely one-dimensional. Druid paid for its Ultimate Infestation/Spreading Plague sins by losing Wild Growth and Nourish. Now, it needs extensive, year-to-year support through expansion cards in order to build a competitive deck outside of vomiting minions and casting Savage Roar. It will be interesting to see what Druid gets in the Saviors of Uldum set. It needs one of two things at the very least: 1. Strong ramp cards to reach their currently available win conditions faster. 2. Stronger, cheaper win conditions or power spikes to compensate for their slower early game. If Druid fails to acquire either one of those, Savage Roar decks will continue to be the only thing you’ll see from the class.

Priest in Rise of Shadows will be remembered as one of the saddest classes in Hearthstone’s history. This situation reminded us again how bad its classic set is, and how powerful expansion cards need to be for the class to get out of the dumpster. Priest lacked an identity and any sense of direction. It had no meaningful win conditions. It got slightly buffed with the change to Extra Arms, only to see its classic set become even weaker after losing Mind Blast. There was also that one week when Miracle Nomi Priest looked like a real deck, before collapsing in spectacular fashion.

After losing its Year of the Mammoth cards, including the Kobolds & Catabombs set (arguably the most overpowered class set that has ever existed), Warlock has received in this expansion one of the weaker sets we can remember. Without any meaningful win conditions outside of gimmicks such as Plot Twist, Warlock was doomed to fail or fall back to Zoo Warlock. If you’re a Warlock fan, keep your eyes on Warlock’s sustainability options in the Saviors of Uldum set.


That would mostly keep him out of the torture that is playing this game, as a certain MVP would say.
Which, in turn, makes his own conclusions more objective.

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Good summary from Vs on the meta and echoes my sentiments as well. I do think Plot Twist Warlock has a lot of potential but it is also VERY gimmicky.


I don’t personally care about upvotes or downvotes. I post on what I find interesting.

And I rank to 15 every month as a deliberated choice on how I want to play the game. Not seeing how that in any way is relevant to the meta since meta decks dominate Casual and Ranked alike, but whatever makes you feel better. :slight_smile:


Warrior has shaped the Rise of Shadows meta like no other class because its defensive tools are so punishing to anyone who doesn’t get paid to play Hearthstone. At every point, Warrior’s defensive tools have driven players away from the game in droves.

I fixed the Warrior paragraph for them.


But not everyone has an account there or the desire to post and discuss the results on their forum. And if we are going to discuss multiplayer stats in the multiplayer section of the official hearthstone forums, it helps to include the text so we don’t need to bounce back and forth between sites (especially if you are on mobile like me). This is not a BIG BRAIN idea dude.

You know what’s really pointless? Being so petty and attention starved you need to be a pointless toxic troll in what is otherwise the most productive threads we ever have on these forums because it’s made by someone you don’t like and you are desperate to find something negative to say about him.

I don’t agree with him most of the time, but this is neither high school nor middle school so be an adult and comment on the thread topic — which is perfectly reasonable and sensible.


this is sadly true, and as a Druid main it make me kinda sad really. I still try oddity decks in rank, but haven’t play much since this month cause it really lack luster.

I will say tho, any Token/Agro Druid getting bored of it, try out Treant druid, it’s abit tokenish but can sometimes end games right now 51% since the start of this month with over 50+ games under it.

Feel like vomit like but playing around stuff.

Treant Druid


Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Dragon

2x (2) Crystalsong Portal

2x (2) Dendrologist

2x (2) Dreamway Guardians

2x (2) Power of the Wild

2x (2) Witchwood Apple

2x (3) Landscaping

2x (3) Savage Roar

1x (4) Archmage Vargoth

2x (4) Soul of the Forest

2x (4) Swipe

2x (4) Wispering Woods

2x (5) Force of Nature

2x (5) Treespeaker

2x (6) Tending Tauren

1x (9) Cenarius

2x (9) Mulchmuncher


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

May the cycle of Druids live on.

This… I’m always thankful for the VS posts on the forum. That way I DON’T have to go there myself.

Can I just say thank you to Wardrum and Lykotic for always being informative and positive posters on this forum. You guys(gals?) are absolute saints.


We’re just two out of many who do the same thing on here. Despite the often cesspoolesque state of this forum, there are enough nuggets of noncrappery to keep me somewhat invested in the community.


I find 95% of a certain poster who’s being abused on this thread to be obnoxious, but this thread is the ONE thing he posts that I actually like. Lay off.


Hunter is my main class simply because my favorite class is unplayable. I was really hoping Priest would find a way but it seems like they just want to obliterate the class into non existence.

I did try a budget version (I’m missing Statues and Carina) and it’s just a total bore. I don’t like playing nor facing Res Priest and if something drastic doesn’t happen for them, they will probably remain a dead class (in Standard) while Wild continues getting more Res support.

What does the VS report have to do with rank? As far as I can tell, I don’t have to input or prove my rank to read/share the report. I do not understand this whole, “You shouldn’t be allowed to do this unless you’re this rank!” attitude.

I still haven’t received a friend request to view your rank. Gwyneth#11119 NA


nor will you. few people are willing to put up, so when push comes to shove they shut up.

So once a set isn’t regular enough for you? haha. Sorry if I find Magic better =). Also, all that would show is top-200 not legend as HS’s site only tracks top-200 :wink:

Edit: Also, I looked on EU on HS’s site for “Shakou” in Standard & Wild top-200 April through June and never saw “Shakou”


HCT point standings could verify if someone hit legend for a given month with the old system. But now, you have to be top 200 to show up on any standings.

The meta report is pretty consistently wrong and behind IMO. It took 2 months for Cyclone Mage to show up as the strongest deck when it seemed apparent 2 months ago that it was a top deck. I’m not a believer that they can actually interpret their own stats correctly (Spirit of the Shark is a bad card argument they harped on for months).

I don’t like the VS report because it discourages creativity. I’ve seen many decks that aren’t being tracked by VS in top 100. I personally played Dragon Warrior to top 50 this month. Also, in some ways stats empower people to argue points when they don’t have the best knowledge. You see in sports blogs all the time; and you see it here when people try to justify deck X is ok because it has such and such winrate.


It is inherently behind and I agree has issues with certain decks which require higher than average skill to pilot (it appears).

Nice! I wish I had Voon to justify messing with Dragon Warrior =*( One of the few crafts I want to craft but keep not doing it for other cards for Wild, heh. The other is Pocket Galaxy for a ‘Big Mage’ in Wild.

Fair criticism again. The best is when you can combine first-hand knowledge and data =)


People should stop to tell what VS says as law and give their own spin on what they see on it.

The data is here for any player really interested and the article is a decent reference point but by no means the only opnion someone can have by looking at said data most of the time.

With that said VS has to make reports with average player in mind because it is that player that will have a boost by hearing what they have to say.
That by itself will already create situations were the author of the article is biased.

If you’re a level above the majority (not really dificult) then you should read with a grain of salt and focus more at see how that data fits at your reality.

I also need to say that I not like how popularity drives some decisions making blizzard do stuff that had really bad drawback in the long term.

First hand accounts are rarely objective and indicative of overall trends. If we took all first hand accounts seriously every single deck is broken, brain dead, and unfun to play against.

Exceptional players take off meta decks to legend and beyond every month, Old Guardian for example gets there without Epic or Legendary cards. It’s a testament of those players’ skills in spite of their decks’ lower power level.

Regarding Cyclone Mage specifically, VS noted very early that it performs disproportionately better on the hands of better players with a lot of experience playing it. A number of GM players had been commenting that it was far easier to figure out when the opponent was bringing it because they had to be playing a crap ton of Cyclone Mage to prepare. It’s still the case in the ladder if you look at the different performance of it between all ranks and legend only.

Regarding Shark Rogue, it has never performed well on the ladder. Every other data gathering site like HSREPLAY has agreed with their tier placement. It’s unfortunate that only this week they had an explanation for the large discrepancy between tournament and ladder results. The 5 cards secondary/tertiary. I would also add that the tournament meta is far less aggressive and SS is a horrible card against aggressive decks.


A big point that people miss is the fact that even though the Specialist format revolves around bringing a single deck to the tournament scene, tournament metas are still massively different than the ladder meta. As always they have some common elemements, maybe a bit more now, but there are decks on the ladder that would poorly in a GM event and popular GM decks that wouldn’t be ideal to climb the ladder with at all.


I disagree; I don’t think there is a single GM deck that wouldn’t be good for climbing on ladder. The meta game isn’t that different.

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Shark Rogue really isn’t an optimal climbing deck at all.