vS Data Reaper Report #302

Well I don’t know exactly how Schyla came to that, but the order I experienced things was roughly

  1. I see someone say Altair is sub 2k Legend
  2. Having some understanding of my own skill level and Altair’s skill level, I doubt this heavily
  3. I start looking through the EU leaderboards for Altair’s old username
  4. I find his current username instead, and post my findings to this thread in a way that anyone can independently verify
  5. About a week later you repeat the previously debunked sub 2k claim

Maybe I’m being harsh, but to me this really feels like a case of facts competing with alternative facts and losing because the truth doesn’t align with certain people’s confirmation bias.

Even now you cling desperately to the belief that Altair is a worse player than he is. At piloting skill he’s just better than you, get over it. He’s not as good at statistics as he is at probability, and he’s got a bit of an ego, that’s where he’s weak.

I cant repeat anything i didnt say in the first place, i was talking about when he wasnt on Top1k by his own admission.

Schyla was the one that asked if he was at top 2k at that momment.

The only time i talked about his number in ranks was above.

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How did going from above 1k to just below 1k magically become


I would have believed just under 1k. Kinda bottom end of believable for Altair but not in the “!!!” range. And just under 1k better aligns with the actual evidence (going from that to 550 to 382).

Did you just avoid your mistake ???
You were saying i repeated something i said 1 week ago.

All my posts and public and i never delete anything even when i make a mistake.

I ask again: How did it happen?

How indeed???
What is this.

I didn’t ask how that happened. I moved on.

I asked HOW it went from the Altair post you image-quoted, which said 1k, to your post that said 2k. It’s an open ended question.

Next time there is a vs report thread can we control ourselves enough to stay on topic and not have 250 of the posts be an argument revolving around a single player?

Who cares what rank Altair is xD

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You moved on from claiming i did something last week i did not???
Listen i said above all my posts are public since day 1.

I dont delete anything even when proven wrong like the post above.
But i dont need a pile on from something i did not do thats all.

Maybe i forgot i said it, but you know public posts feel free to shame me if you find something.

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Exactly. I am asking about something you claimed about an hour ago.


Schyla is doing the next topic on VS reports lmao.
It should be all good by the next one.

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Ok so you made a mistake and swept it under the rug.
Cool that we are on the same page.

Wow. What an unreasonable reaction. No, I wasn’t sweeping anything under the rug, I was trying to dance around your fragile ego.

I’m gonna go play some MK1 now.

And yet all i got from you when you claimed something that wasnt true about me was “i moved on”.

You best play some MK1 i dont know if my fragil ego can withstand this onslaught any longer.

When I say early bragging is dumb, there’s some love in there. You WILL be a better player if you fix selfishness issues; it happens to everyone and it’s very bad for gameplay; e.g. I just thought “rigged” when I milled Marin when I was doing the achievement (it’s dumb that I would waste brain time to think that (I don’t think that when I mill with luck)).

Apparently, these sad people are jealous of it for some unknown reason

Not me.

But yes, some.

You climbed from a loss in Gold Five to top 80 legend in… 1 day

Stop the cap, it’s time for a new alt

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Lol what

Are you ok? Xddd

So, one of the most egregious decks ever to exist.
How utterly predictable.