vS Data Reaper Report #302

I meant there it’s a handicap to the streamers being sniped by others, so it makes them more impressive to still rank even when they are sniped.

Yeah I suspect that even in tournaments they snipe each other but it’s impossible to be caught if they know some basics on computer science.

Impossible to do

They do have a thousand players in chat to help them with best moves, though, so…

Why impossible? The only way to have some security is to have a Blizzard person in their house. Do they have a Blizzard person in their house during the tournament?

How about playing on a separate, Blizzard client, where only Blizzard employees can spectate?

But it’s live on stream.

We watch the spectator mode during tournaments.

Take a look at the videos and you’ll see

I don’t get what you mean. There’s full view of their hands on live streaming. They could easily cheat by just watching the stream.

honestly suprised he didn’t just claim this was some other altair and not him lmao


He sort of couldn’t since he set himself up with a big brag and invite to watch him. Can’t really lie your way out of that.


Tournaments arent live streamed though…

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yeah I think Altair needs to move onto another alt, what is this their third?

Chronically online behavior tbh

Wow. I’m speechless. You must be some kind of a genius. I can’t.

And why would I do that? Am I supposed to be ashamed of something?

I’m chilling comfortably in top 80 EU.

Let me know when one of you comes close, and then we can talk seriously about how I’m bad and how you’re all right.

on day 3 of the season. Finish there and I will MAYBE be impressed.

I didn’t know. I don’t think it’s in your best interest to bully people with personal attacks just because they didn’t have a single piece of raw information. It makes you blind to something correct they might say; and it has already happened in the past; you were spamming the forum for days saying to people you know better because you have a high rank and you’re only here to teach them and then you thought an AI-generated site is news (which shouldn’t be needed in the first place to believe me that it’s dumb to pull rank as a supposed argument).

Yeah, I was right about the account being named Altair last month

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He plays for 8 hours a day at least. He usually comes at the start of the month and brags that he knows everything because of the rank; others are beneath him; he is here only to teach them. Then towards the end of the month he starts dropping rank because better players who play less reach those ranks; he then gets some humility; no much “I’m best because rank” in those days.

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Well mystery solved , he just rushes to legend on the early days, talks like he is an authority on the rank and when those that belong in the there make a climb he gets pushed to no where near the top.

You said last time it was around 2k and i think you are far to generous , i checked that rank didnt see his name last month.
My guess is around 5k + by the end of the month.(Wrong here see bellow for his rank he finished 382)

And this is the man that knows more than VS reports ,yikes.


There is an altair at 382 EU last month.


When I checked last week there was an Altair at 550.

When I check NOW, well, see for yourself.

(Edit: Wildstorm beat me to it)

It’s clear in this thread that I am not shy about arguing with Altair, but I feel like some of y’all are unthinking about it. There’s enough real to disagree with, you don’t need to be making things up. Make less assumptions, do more research, ask more questions.

I saw it now ,when he was talking to Schyla he wasnt at the top by his own admission and wouldnt say his name to reveal the rank.
Guess he abandoned the sub 50% deck for the real one he made the climb this month.