vS Data Reaper Report #302

I have never played Sif. The whole: “twiddle your thumbs until you can win” is not something I enjoy that much.
(I’m not far from it with the Ping mage I have right now in Wild,) but only because necessity is the mother of invention.:slight_smile:

I wonder sometimes if you even remember how freeze mage played in classic.

Yes, I confirm that’s exactly what happened

Aww someone’s jealous

Of course I do:) I never played that either. In those days, I played Mana Wyrm tempo mage with burn from hand finish.:slight_smile:
God, I miss that deck.
Stall decks have never been for me.

You seriously need help

Also, never spent a dime on a video game, this or any

Still it usually takes some serious funny money to afford the time commitment to go no life

hey its true I wish I had inherited someones’ 700k+ yearly income instead of grinding my bones into dust with multiple full time minimum wage jobs, you are correct

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My 2nd favorite all time Mage deck, Mall doesnt like combo decks.
People keep saying all he does is shill for Mage but he makes just as many posts bashing the class.

You will have a hard time finding someone with more posts asking for nerfs for cards like Time Warp or similar cards in the class.


Time warp was and is the dumbest card ever. (Well, in mage at least, lol)
And it wasn’t just time warp. I dislike the mage Quest even now. All of the Quests seem like solo play to me.

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But yeah, hoping that they give mage a card that allows me to speed up my two meme decks in Wild:)

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If it does get posted, would you please link it so the rest of us can join the fun?

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It’s posted. It’s delicious, lol. Although sheer bad luck that Altair did not win when he milled Theo.
If Sif had been burned? Game over.

Well, in my case you couldnt be more wrong

Its very sad to me how you all have completely wrong assumptions based on your own ego issues and projections

Im just typing this from work on a gas station, no money inherited, a lot of debt, and i Basically just have more brain and energy than most of you, its all

You have nothing to be jealous if at all, but you should also refrain from mocking or poking on people in general, because it only speaks about you, not about those people.


What could a banana cost Michael, 10 dollars?

So you do have a job were you can browse the forums on the clock

Lol I’m just kidding

I think you are a very good player, and you only lost because the mill missed Sif.
Having said that, I think you did mischaracterize what you claimed to Schyla and Orion.

I think this thread at some point turned on a dime, from Altair treating people unfairly to people treating Altair unfairly

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Vent, you’re exactly the type of person who fuels the disdain toward poor people.

You’re projecting your own misery onto Altair, but while your accusations are mere speculations, your bitterness is all too real. It’s time to get over yourself.


I already linked it above