vS Data Reaper Report #302

No, you are NOT asking an honest question. You didn’t ask me this question when I was top 100 when we were having the debate. No. You’re asking me NOW, that I dropped out of 1k because I was testing the unplayable Rainbow Shaman.

See? Very, very dishonest.

I haven’t played on America since early June, because that’s when I began working, so all my stats are EU only.

And of course, as always, I got you covered with proofs.


Open the image. It’s all sludgelock stats for last 30 days in top 500. Why not last 2 weeks, top 1k?

Because Firestone doesn’t have those data, and if you use it, you know it. So this is the best I could do.

“Used: date” is the date of last usage. You can clearly see 303 sludgelock games in top 500 in the period of before 20th august until august 24. Not all of those games were in the exact period of VS report, only 256 were, as I said the other day when the stats were covered with “last 7 days”

Keep in mind those games are only in top 500 and VS data are for top 1k. That’s why there’s only so many games, when in fact I’ve played many more, and that’s why the winrates are low (top 500 >>> top 1k)

Also, here’s a thread I opened August 20th, last day covered by the VS report:

I was rank 86 then, so I think it’s kinda obvious I’ve been in top 1k all that time, you knwo what I’m saying?

Will that be enough? Or do you have more low kicks to try and bring me down?