VS Data Reaper Report #198

Anything other than Paladin, Mage and Rogue was extremely suboptimal. Mage and Paladin covered each others weaknesses. That meta was not going to get any better. Hunter was kind of playable because Mage was too popular for how good it was, and Paladin was underplayed, but there were still enough Paladins around to make it a hideous chore. Watch posts killed (non broken) aggro. Let’s not rewrite history.

By the way I don’t claim to be an expert in these matters, I’m just echoing what’s been said by vicious syndicate. I’ll take their analysis over your questionable take, with all due respect.

Paladin lacking counters because everyone else is bad? Kinda sounds like they should have been nerfed pre Barrens like I said!

Wasn’t one of the new mage decks, Mordresh or Wildfire, affected by the Watchposts nerfs?
I can’t be sure and if I’m wrong correct me.
Seems like those decks disappeared from the ladder once the Watchposts were nerfed, but maybe that wasn’t the reason?

Nah, they just straight up sucked from the start

Well, I stand corrected. I honestly remembered a Wildfire deck I tried that ran the watchposts, (at least I think it was wildfire, and not Mordresh) and I thought was pretty good, then after the nerf I lost until I deleted the deck lol.

Shame. You could have broken the meta!

Lol I highly doubt that. My deckbuilding skills leave alot to be desired, though I feel I have made real progress lately.

Wildfire and Mordresh both support the same archetype, HP Mage. Which was Tier 4 garbage. I don’t know whether it was running Watchposts, but it wouldn’t change that only Rogue had a Watchposts deck above Tier 4.

I must be misremembering the past. I remember every other deck running those annoying Watch Posts, and not only rogue.

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I said the paladin decks that dominated. Don’t take that statement out of context.

I said everyone else became bad AFTER the rotation/Barrens. Why would that mean paladins need nerf before Barrens?

And when other classes are bad, the answer is to buff those classes, not nerf the one class that wasn’t bad down to their level. So that’s another angle where I not see how it “sounds” like they should nerf paladins.

That doesn’t matter. The point is amongst all those suboptimal decks, the aggro ones were still less bad.

I don’t see how my take is questionable, as it doesn’t contradict vs. Maybe, like above, you thought I said something different than what I’m actually saying.

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Nerfs are sometimes done just before an expansion comes out in preparation, and I think they should have done that here. Why would they buff everything else? Name one time that’s been attempted, let alone successfully.

Aggro was less bad than Control, true, but then why would control be any good if aggro isn’t relevant? What are they controlling?