Vision of Darkness is ridiculous

I’m not I’m killing your kind woth charge minions but saying that control priest is just a bad meme deck is one big lie. Stop lying dude.

… Dude, I don’t know what your personal problem is, but I just want you to understand that the meta from two weeks ago is not the meta from today.

But to address your post directly, you should read your own quote very, very carefully. (my emphasis added)

That same deck is Tier 3 with below 50% win rate at diamond 1-4 in the exact same VS report power rankings. The point I am making, and it still stands, is that the top 1k meta is not relevant to you if you don’t play at the top 1k.

Go look at the class/archetype distributions by rank and you will see how different the meta is at different levels. Top 1k is more hutners than anything else.

Demon hunter is 1/4 of the top 1k meta. It’s less than 7% D1-4.

Win rate is as much a function of what else is played as it is an indicator of the strength of a deck.

It’s not a meta tyrant at any rate, for sure. It’s not very good right now at most ranks despite lots and lots of play.

There are good lists played by good players, for sure, but in general it’s not great.

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Vision of Darkness is an extremely powerful card but you have a very slow turn 6 to generate it plus the upfront cost of 3 mana before you get your first time use of it (so usually only playing one card on turn 7).

You usually have two very slow turns during the midgame before you start benefitting from the infinite value.

Priest is just a class where, every expansion, their card design is all the same. “We made a 5 mana removal last expansion, let’s give them the same card but adjusted values at another mana cost,” and that’s been the design philosophy for the class for years now. It’s also why priest is, IMO, the most boring class. I also have zero idea why they have cards that steal from your opponent since it’s not a lore mechanic or one within WoW and is very confused, but whatever, I’m not a dev.

So the issue isn’t Svalna, it’s that priest has a huge mass of cards that all essentially do the same thing and slow down the game state in order to allow the card to be usable. Control priest is not a super high WR deck though. It’s good, but it’s not representative of any of the issue currently in Standard.


Profile pick checks out.

Calm down you big ogre!

Priest as a class excel in control right now, but lacks in strong threatening minions at the point were almost all of their minions in the deck are neutral. There have been times were i’ve basically stabilized to death a dk but still needed 4+ turns to kill him.

Surely the class deserves a reward for their lack of minions doesn’t it?

How can you say it lacks anything when it has so many cards that can steal from its opponent? I am sick and tired of being hit over the head with multiple copies of my own cards

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You can’t reliably get what you need from your opponent though. You’ll get some sort of value in the form of good cards, but not necessarily the ones you need in that particular situation.

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Yeah, we get it. You have delusions of grandeur because you can hit legend.
Not a brag-worthy achievement these days. Hasnt been since the rank changes like 4 years ago!

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I can hit 2k legend? Can you?


So what’s your problem peasant

You sound like nobody can talk about their experiences in legend.

Its you with the problem, not me. Im not using my ability as an arguing point. You are.

Fun fact, Tyler, GM quality player, stated he cant build decks, but he can PLAY them.
That is you. Your rank is no arguing point, other than for the clear self esteem issues you have. You playing, not even in top 1K Legend, does not mean you know the game on a fundamental level.

I just said it’s a good deck in legend. You delusional peasant it is you who is attacking me for no reason

Its you who is the delusional peasant.

Also, note the red squiggly lines under words. That means you have spelt them wrong. A simple right-click resolves that.

Spelling arguments from a peasant who can’t hit legend

Delusion of grandeur from someone who cant even break in to top legend.

If you want to use “your rank” as an arguing point, maybe be AT LEAST in top 1K. Consistently. As a finishing (end-of-season) rank!

Yes, just like the whole Priest class… but Blizzard do nothing about it… they need a class which can be used by 10 year old kids… Really pathetic…

Piter talked endless trash on other posts too. Don’t take him seriously.

Really now …

A Paladin profile pic, talking about “a class used by 10 year olds” …

Try to memorise the “charge” legendaries to get of the Countess. And let the real classes for other people.

Aggro is the shame of Paladin and all classes… I am not using it… (I am nearly 40, so don’t compare me to these easy winner kids) and by the way, I use Paladin since started to play, I chosed that class to master. It has nothing to do with the fact… Priest and DK is a joke… Priest is always in the most OP in every meta. I am proud for my results as Paladin and not changing the fact, Control Priest, DK and the aggro is a joke… I have more then 5000 Wins as Paladin and not just change class every time when something broken shows up. Always building my own decks and enjoy playing with them. To be honest, thats how I can enjoy the game, because I feel my success for my own.