View on the game after returned from a long break

I stopped playing Hearthstone a few years ago and came back around the beginning of December ( I’ve just been playing casual doing the daily quests but have got to 114 on the battle pass so played a fair bit). One of the reason I stopped playing and at the time Hearthstone was my main game was due to the change in going from the paid adventures once or twice a year to full expansions. It honestly just seemed at the time they were trying to milk more money. At the time I was already easily spending hundreds of pounds a year on the game and I felt at the time I was getting my money’s worth.

Since coming back what I’ve found is honestly just negative and maybe it was just me hoping for a bit to much nostalgia but I really feel the game has gone majorly down hill.

The power creep in the cards is insane, not just in stats but also effects. I’ve dust off a load of my old cards and used a few meta decks but there are now cards in which one card can completely counter a full deck archetypes.

Getting the cards in the game has also gotten a lot harder, Catch up packs are a joke, I’m getting 10-12 cards with a massive amount missing 5-7 extra cards still means it will cost me a lot to get anywhere close. Even when i used to play the daily quests used to give 40-100 gold depending on how luck you got. So that was one new pack every 2-3 days. With the new battle pass system it just feels really bad, at the time when I came back and was majorly behind the rewards are tiny at the starting levels and even at the top end levels it feels less rewarding than the old quest system in regards to number of packs gained.

My main issue since coming back however is just how many times I’ve had a bloody pop up for the shop. It just feels like its constantly going “buy this” “buy this” “oh look at this” “spend money here”. Yes I know the shop is there as I’ve spent a lot of money in it previously, I dont need a reminder all the time. If the game feels worth it I’ll go to it and spend my money.

To be honest this is just me ranting as I’m disappointed, I was looking for that bit of nostalgia and this game just doesn’t feel like it used too. Honestly I hope something changes in the future as I used to love this game years ago and would have no issue making this my main game again but currently it just feels like a shell of its former self.

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the thing that happens with the shop popup is a bug I think, it happens when I login on a new device but then after that it doesn’t seem to appear again (except for if they add a new mindset or whatever)

Could you elaborate on this? I have gaps in my historic Hearthstone knowledge.

Now we get three expansions a year. To me when you “buy” the expansion it equates to a Tavern Pass. I know you can buy the expansion bundles, but those are way too expensive for me. Generally they are just a bunch of packs with a few extras.


This ^ is a giant annoyance for me as well, since I play with over 9 different collections these days. As a result, I just now completely ignore shop-related exclamation symbols.

The yearly rotation used to consist of two new expansions with a stand alone adventure sandwiched in between them. Then it went to three expansions per year with an occasional stand alone adventure, on now it’s three expansions per year, which also includes three mini-sets.

The bottom line is that there is a lot more product to buy to keep up with the game as compared to many years ago.

It does sound better. We didn’t even get an Adventure last year.

2015 had 2 adventures and 1 expansion as they alternated between adventure and expansion. Yes but in 2017 they announced with Un’Goro that it’ll be 3 expansions going forward.

I’m not even an old player (started like 2 months ago following the game closely(only saw it briefly in 2014(for less than a week))) and I see power creep issues; e.g. those Titans from an expansion ago are ludicrous; they can literally just counter entire decks as you said (similar things happen in Wild with Questlines and whatnot).

In my opinion they should just wipe Standard across the board.

Just do a mass rotation at some point toning everything down.