[Video Guide] Mercenaries - How to Play, Collect and Upgrade

Mercenaries, the new Hearthstone game mode, is upon us!
Are you, or someone you know wondering what it is?

Form your party of up to 6 Mercenary characters - and take down bounties to earn rewards and upgrade your Mercs!

This video will help you answer those questions:

  • What is Mercenaries?
  • How do I get stuff to upgrade my Mercs?
  • Mercenaries Packs?
  • What do I get in my Mercenaries Packs?
  • Completing Bounties
  • How to battle
  • Example of a turn in action
  • Ability Cooldowns
  • Mercenaries Roles
  • Dealing 2x Damage
  • Attacks vs “Dealing Damage”
  • Placing and replacing your Mercs during battle
  • Team/Party Synergies (Demons/Murlcos/Shadow/Frost etc…)
  • Seeing Opponent’s actions (PvE vs PvP)
  • Costs for Unlocking Mercenaries/Abilities/Equipment
  • Starter Mercs + Pre-order Mercs
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I hadn’t played Hearthstone in a couple years, and I tried Mercenaries to get the Sarge mount in WoW.

I was confused about what was determining the turn order of my mercs. After watching your video, I understand now that it is the “speed” of the attack. I still don’t understand what the “speed” of the attack affects; health and attack are the only values I recall from when I last played Hearthstone.

At any rate, the video was helpful because the whole game concept was pretty confusing to me. The game starts off in the tutorial mode and it’s hard to lose with Valeera prompting exactly what to choose and where to click, but I wasn’t really sure what was going on.

Biggest tip for a new (or returning player) is: in regular Hearthstone you decide each turn which character/card to play, and in Mercenaries you set up your team at the beginning of the match and then the match autoplays based on which abilities you selected.

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It just affects which abilities play first, not much else. If you and your opponent have the same speed (eg: 4), then it is random chance which ability plays out first.

I am glad to hear that my video was helpful, I also released a follow up video on my progress (collecting all the mercs F2P etc)

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