Vicious syndicate stance on powercreep and my thoughts

So this is a link to the latest vicious syndicate podcast at the of the podcast Zacho starts to talk about powercreep and i have to say i disagree with some of the things he said im not saying im right and his wrong just giving my opinion.

He feels that there is too much emphasis on powercreep and that if it really needs to be adressed we need to adress it at rotation and we need to focus on making the game fun and enjoyable by having a variety of decks in the format, i can agree on this we need a large variety of playstyles and classes in the meta.

However i want to point out fun is subjective whats fun for you is not fun for me.

That being said the reason why the dev team wants to lower powerlevel was because we had rotation i think this year or another year and the powerlevel did not decrease.

I think lowering the powerlevel is a good thing because increasing the powerlevel every expansion can lead to extremely fast meta games where otks can happen to fast.

He says we could have one more buffs maybe we could have done more bufs but i am more of the persuasion that we bring the strong decks down to the level of the underperforming decks,

I cant summrise perfectly so please listen to his talk about powercreep and let me know if you agree or disagree and also what is your stance regarding powercreep.

Maybe they tried to take back the dumb thing they did the previous podcast. They basically purely promoted power creep because they called the expansion very low level and it needs buffs. It’s not the expansion being low level but the whole meta having dumb levels of power creep.

I listened a little to this one. They still say “buff everything so it’s fun!11111”.

That approach can make the cards playable but i dont think buffing everthing is fun i dont agree, i think the dev team should go ahead with their plan of lowering the powerlevel.

Like i said earlier we had a rotation and the powerlevel did not drop as usualy did so i think thiis is the right call to reduce powerlevel.

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I agree with you, lowering the power creep is indeed what should happen…This will give other players a more enjoyable time.

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