Venom/posion in battlegrounds

Venomous cards need to be taken out of battlegrounds. If you rely on these cards to win you need to delete the game. They don’t involve no strategy at all throw them in you win. A player who knows how to play and has built an amazing board means nothing because a 3/4 venom murloc can kill a 200/200. Battlegrounds would be 10 times more fun if you take anything than can one shot or cripple a card out.

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I am on the fence about that. Yes, venomous cards can ruin your game, but I think, that a game, where only stats matter is as bad.


So you want to remove venomous cards so people can only build on stats
So players will now focus exclusively on building big boards, regardless of what their oponents have ?
And you’re trying to tell us this involves more strategy than sacrifying board space and scaling potential to include tech cards you may have been holding and planning ahead for several turns while sacrifying part of your golds losing tempo to have a chance to counter your oponent that solely rely on big stats no brain strategy ?

I prefer rock-paper-scisors game where venomous counters big stats, repops counters venomous and stats couters repops rather than a pure strength game where who scales best wins because they were offered cards better and sooner


Venomous isn’t even as annoying as it used to be. Divine shields are everywhere these days in BG. Whether it’s built into minions or you buy the shield from the tier 6 spell.

Having counterplay options available is important though. Understanding when it’s appropriate to sell off a big minion to buy that low stat counter is important to the health of the game.

Divine shields are not a counter to venomous anymore. If venomous hits a divine shield the venomous isn’t removed anymore. Venomous is complete bullshat now. There in no reason to play battlegrounds anymore no skill needed just fill you board with venomous through a couple bassgill and a couple venomous in your hand you win every single time/

Beasts and Undead dont need Venemous to counter, that’s for sure.

No one ever claimed it was
Divine shield counters venomous because it denies the venomous effect on the minion that has divine shield so it can kill the minion with venomous. And that has not changed.

Well if you want to play “constructed battleground” I can think of more than a couple of ways to counter such strat

laughs in divine shield/reborn/deathrattle tokens

That was funny…sad, but funny.

Venomous builds are ridiculously bad against beasts and undead. And mech cleave builds can give them proper beatings too.