Varian Wrynn hero portrait seems... off

I don’t think the animated Varian Wrynn portrait looks like quite like Varian. He seems off somehow but I can’t really put my finger on what’s off exactly. I think the voice is way off, but the artwork is bothering me and I don’t know why.

When I originally saw it, it reminded me of artwork from one of those mobile knockoff games pretending to be a more popular game. Like those ads for Marvel games that aren’t actually Marvel games. And it features characters that look similar to Thor, Black Widow, etc, but upon closer inspection don’t really look like those characters.

I can’t even say the issue is with the portrait being animated either because the Arthas one doesn’t strike me in the same way as this Varian one.

Perhaps it’s just me though. Anyone else have a similar feeling about the Varian hero portrait?

Dunno about myself, but you might be experiencing the ‘uncanny valley’ phenomenon.