Vampiric Blood; Revamp it

Remove the card draw component. It’s entirely too much for two mana.

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Two mana and three corpses

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Death Knight is broken, but everyone you’ll encounter here are on the high rank of Heartstone with meta decks and OTK builds, so they don’t understand why so much people call it broken.

Everytime I encounter a DK, he just spams 1 mana spells that single handedly destroy all the board to give 6 to 9 corpses per use.

Once depleted, he will summon a 2/2 draw two card for 2 mana, and get another spells that for 1 mana deals 3 damage with lifesteal and give 3 corpses if the target dies.

Even when I get absolutely OP board in 1 turn, and waited for the DK to waste his AOE clearing spells, he gets one random 5 mana minion out of his a** and clear it to gain 9 corpses and get his health teleported to 45.

The Death Knight as literally an answer to everything you do, winning is only because either they’re bad or they’re extremely unlucky.

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Corpses mean nothing. I regularly see them get up to 20+. If their hero power did not proc a corpse and they did not have a way to proc them off opposition, I’d agree. But as it stats, 3 corpses is not hard to come by. If you said 10 corpses, I’d agree with the 2 mana cost.

As a blood DK you usually stockpile corpses to spend 6 per boneguard commander and up to 10 per each corpse explosion, while 3 isn’t a high amount for Vampiric Blood per se, it can delay the use of the other two cards

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