Upgrading Cards to Gold

Can we maybe introduce a way of upgrading cards that someone already owns into the golden version of it? Sometimes there’s that one card you really like using and want it to be shiny, but spending a boat load of precious dust to make another copy doesn’t sit right; especially when it’s a legendary.

Another cool addition would be if we could combine 2 (or more) plain versions of a card into 1 golden version. It would be a more efficient use of dust, but it wouldn’t be making a new card - just upgrading.

EDIT: I know golden cards don’t add any additional game play, but if that were to be the excuse to not do something like this, then that could also be said about having golden cards in the game in the first place. Not to mention alternate character portraits/golden character portraits.


Love the idea. I would say it should be combine two or you can pay the dust diffrence to make a card golden


ok people listen closely. xD when crafting on the right there is a option to show only golden versions. And there you go.

no this will make golden cards easier to obtain which make them less special and less interesting.


Thats the thing they arent special. Its just a gold digital card. The ability is what matters most, and i was trying to say if you click show only gold version and craft then you can craft it. It can already be done.


Nah what this guy is trying to say is transforming a regular card to legendary. for example instead of using 3200 dusts to craft a golden legendary transform your none golden one into a golden with 1600 dusts.


ah your right. xD Just never expect anyone to ask this since it will never happen.

9/10 times i will dust a golden card if i have two normal copies of it. to me they are not special in anyway. They don’t add any functionality to the game. I will say the the artiest that do animate the stuff are very talented people for turning a still image into what some of the cards do but at the end of the day you are not going to be “Yeah that guy had a golden card. that is why they won.”

I will say that I do enjoy watching whale decks. They can be rather interesting at times.

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I once made a golden deck.

just dusted guldan for gold guldan, it was worth it…

Crafting goldens is not practical at all, they should do something about that. As a golden card collector, i have rarely crafted a golden card because its just not worth it.

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that is the point of golden cards.


I would absolutely love an upgrade to gold crafting option!

its a good idea. also i would like it if you had duplicate protection and pity timer for golden cards. also some way to get rid of non golden basic cards cause theyre just taking up space.

The only purpose golden cards have (apart from extra dust) is that when you have a lot of them in play, it can lag the crap out of lower end phones.

10/10 support this idea.

100% wish this was possible. I’m paycheck to paycheck - like many - and I don’t have the ability to buy gold bundles or expansions right away. Especially limited time bundles. In World of Warcraft you can buy the expansion & later pay the difference to upgrade to the “collector” edition or “deluxe” edition and get all the digital goodies. I wish we could do that with Hearthstone. I’d be able to save up and spend more money on the game that way.

So I just want to take the time to give a big THANK YOU to you guys for adding this feature...I have really been waiting since the birth of one of my favorite games of all time for this to be implemented....I am a golden card snob and this is music to my ears!   2 THUMBS WAY UP!!

Busy with one now. Crafted Valeera DK in golden and Cutlass and most of my cards is already golden. x)

If you have 2 golden x, it will automatically dust the 2 normal versions of x.

If dont have a golden or diamond y, it will not dust a normal y automatically, you have to choose too. I doubt they will every add a feature to do it automatically.

You can choose to create a golden x, then dust the normal x, I dont see how that’s different to upgrading a card to golden.