Update Practice AI Decks Already

They’re still using year of the gryphon core cards for goodness sake.


Practice has always been Wild cards inclusive

What? No I mean the actual decklists of the AI, the cards run in their deck.

Yes, I know. For example, if you went into Practice with the pre-nerf to Gnoll and Shaman’s new 1mana spell, you’d only discover the Shaman Frost giants.

My problem isn’t that the mode is wild only–although it would be cool if we had the choice between standard and wild practice AI, my problem is the actual cards they are using. I just want them to use the current rotation of core cards, since all they use is core cards.

I mean in general it would be nice if the practice mode were more complex. Like, creating custom ai decks would create some cool solo replayability if you’re tired of ladder [like I am most of the time lol] and just want to mess around with fun cards instead of being locked into only what’s in the meta.