Upcoming Nerfs/Buffs

No nerf to the countess? It’s ridiculously overpowered and nukes other decks out of oblivion. Should be nerfed to either reduce invitations to 2 or increase their cost to 3 and minions discovered to 1.

And why is the hunter weapon nerfed? Is it a wild problem?


I expect nerfs this week but at the latest next week but hopefully its this week :slight_smile:

I just saw “later this week” on another site.

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Can you post the link please :slight_smile:

I’m actually pissed off that For Quel’Thalas is getting nerfed, I just opened a golden one last week and this card is useful in both Standard and Wild. So annoying.


Big Beast Hunter is one of the best performing decks right now and its weapon is the best drawn and played win rate card in the deck, so I imagine that’s why they hit it.

That would be an absolutely pointless, useless nerf if it’s that.
The only troublesome uses of feast and famine is combo with the horn, and that is already a 7 mana combo, so the manathirst would be active for the combo no matter what.

I would like to either ‘can’t attack hero’ or ‘+2 attack’ instead.

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Right? Why not remove the lifesteal entirely, tbh.

Rythmdancer Risa will probably never be fun. It would have to be a 2 mana 3/3 or something low-cost to contemplate running it.

Fiddlefire Imp buffed to Discover might see play.

3 mana 3/3 might still be too much of a gamble for trash cards.
3 mana 3/4 would see play.

In all scenarios, it’s probably still just a Mage card. Warlock doesn’t have the survivial tools(and probably never will) to mess around with random cards like this. Mana Cheat like Darkglare/StealerOfSouls would give Warlock the speed to use Fiddlefire Imp to kill people.

Remixed Dispensobot being able to discover from the 4 options would be a huge boost to mage.

The real change is probably something boring like 4/4 => 4/5.

Pozzik 110% should not be nerfed. I feel this way for Pozzik more than any card I’ve ever seen nerfed.

The card is powerful, but it’s skill testing on both sides. Whatever the nerf is will probably kill it.

Purator can take a nerf, idc.

Feast and Famine is a good target. Paladin heals too much with Windlord, I’m fine with the damage staying.

Disco Maul is fine to slightly tap.

I can’t imagine how to tap it gently enough though, especially considering 2 other Paladin cards are getting hit.

S’theno to: 3 mana 1/4 would be fine.
S’theno to: 4 mana would be lame, but fine.
S’theno to: only hit minions would be garbage destruction of the 2 popular Demon Hunter decks. At least Wrathscale Demon Hunter would be completely fine.

Nerfing Cope of Quel’thalas seems super unneccessary. Don’t the Hunters run Pozzik too?

I mean I don’t care if it’s nerfed in particular, but something else in Hunter should be buffed as compensation.

All of my Wild Cards are combo-oriented Priest cards, and most of them are golden. Guess I shouldn’t save them at all because Blizzard ONLY targets Combo decks in Wild now.

Fair and Normal Hunter/Paladin Decks. :chart_with_downwards_trend:
S’theno Demon Hunter. :chart_with_downwards_trend:

Renathal DK/Priest/Mage Trash Piles. :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Turn-3-Location Turn-5-Womper Druids. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Now you can dust it and get a legendary for wild and one for standard.

Plus new arcane beast hunter is not an oppressive deck. I’M playing it myself. I hope it will be just stat nerf. 4/2 into 3/2. 7 mana will kill this card pretty hard

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found out that deck existed a while ago after i stopped playin secret mage then back to it because players playing that deck are unable to play vs secrets so they autoconcede as soon as they see one

pozzik nerf surprised me its a great card but nevr thought it was good enough to need a nerf

We have come to the point in the game where cards are so powerful that just changing their cost is not enough to make them “bad” or “unplayable”. Bumping all of those cards by 1 will not remove them from the game and it certainly won’t change the power level of the decks they are played in.

They need to fundamentally change how the card works and interacts.

Theotar for 4 manas was an autoinclude in everything, for 5 manas it was cut from hyper aggro but still used in everything else but for 6 manas finally the card be balanced and used like always should be, in very slow control decks for mirror or disrupt combo.

The mana system works, it is a question of fix the costs, the major problem is too many mana cheats breaking the system, just leave it in peace and all cards with their correct costs and all will be fine.

An easy way to know a card is undercosted is when all players always put it in all decks if possible when a correct cost card only was included when fill the role and strategy, like the mentioned Theotar.

the idea mana cost changes dont have any impact is usually from someone new to the game and you dont look like a new player

It’s just outof.cards

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called this being the nerf and not the big weapon

Is it just me or is that the hunter weapon they are nerfing lmao wtf? Lmao it is…

Wtf why dh dont need no more easy to use removal…

Funny part is that it was wrong to use Theotar in many decks at 4 Mana, but people tend to overestimate the power of disruption cards, so they were dumb and put it in everything.

It was extra wrong to use it in most decks at 5, but it didn’t touch the playrate, so it went to 6 because the card is annoying, not strong.

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Happy to see they are nerfing the right cards. Everyone on the forum here begging to nerf the new weapon, but its the attack buffs that made the weapon broken. Said weapon is not broken in shaman.

Finally after months they are nerfing Disco Maul, why did that need to be like that for months?

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