Unlogical Card Features!

Which SMARTEST GUY is approved DESTROY ENEMY HERO Card in HS? What are you doing? There is no skill in this game if you continue to make this kind of cards, you wont stop lose users. I deleted game permanently, make more unlogical pay2win legendary decks. Shaman is taking 12-12 Dragon at 3th round, Priest Killing 30 HP enemy hero instatly at 10th round. Congratulations to made nonsense decks to bother us.


Would love to meet him so i can drag my balls all over his face. Deleted this game when that strat came out, just started getting back into the game the last month. Got hit by that and its about to go in the dumpster again

Oh no two no post Andy’s are quitting.

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I rarely see alternate win condition cards, and the times I have I only lost to them once. They are not as big of a deal as you act. It’s rather normal for card games to have alternative win condition cards.

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I agree with you, and stardard id more broken than wild. The dont know what they do.They Just want money for nothing

were these the only illogical things, hearthstone is the most colossal worldwide scam in the videogame field, totally manipulated fake rng, matchmaking favorable to whoever pays, animations elaborated in order to only make the game frustrating to make you nervous and tilt more easily, ask you for dollars for give you nothing in return, nothing that can be resold, no real collection, hearthstone plays on people’s stupidity, on those who don’t understand that they are being tricked, it’s only worth it if you find your own way to play for free and without wasting too much time otherwise it makes you frustrated , with less money, and with a feeling of having been scammed that rises in all forums today