Unfair minion interaction? BG x3 minions over 80k hp

I am just wondering if this is an unintended interaction between duplicates of the same minion. The minion is
Upbeat Upstart.

I was in a battleground game where someone had 2 gold Upbeat Upstarts, and 1 normal.
By the end of the game 1 had 5.6 million health, 1 had 2.8M health, and the final had 80k health
The two golden ones, were playing off each other, each turn setting their health to double the highest health minion, effectively looping the effect each turn.

The minion pool did not include murlocs which left 2 minions in the whole pool to try and deal with them - Leeroy and Mantid Queen + luck for correct minion attack order.

I feel like it was a very smart play, but 5.8M health, and 3 minions with over 80k health is a bit excessive? In 1 additional turn it would have been 5.8M 13.6M and 13.6M and if he got another normal minion? a forth at 13.6M

Curious if this is an intended minion interaction or not.

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I don’t play battlegrounds, but I am sure there are mechanisms to allow for highroll, snowball builds.

The multiplayer forums sometimes get complaints that early quitters remove the early damage ceiling. That guy probably did something similar, teching as fast as possible looking for specific synergies you described. In the other 90% of games where it doesn’t work, he just quits and lowers his MMR so he gets more time in future games.

Some players don’t look to climb the ladder, they just want to cherry pick experiences.

It’s working as intended. You can also use the minion that makes end of turn effects trigger twice to supercharge it.

It doubles when golden, so it’s an exponential growth. People have gone so high that their health reset to 1 after passing the integer cap for the game.

2 leeroys and a mantid

boom fixed your problem

unfortunately, I have seen ENTIRE lobbies playing this, because it is accessible at tier 3 meaning there are 21 copies of each combo piece in the pool other than the 4/4 that allows for easy golden on those minions. its actually an issue its now a “high-roll” build its very easy as long as you see one of each piece which isnt had before damage ceiling is removed and only takes 3-4 turns to work.

this doesnt fix the problem since its typically 6minions at 20k+ health. you need to find 5 of 6 copies of mantid ((since theres only 6 in the pool)) and then 5 of 8 leeroys. your odds of countering the build ((which in the wrong lobby is only those two cards)) is alot worse than their chances of finding 3 minions that are all tier 3 to set up this combo. which all have 18 copies in the pool each. and theres also the 4/4 on tavern 4 ((12 copies)) that allow you too begin multiplying them. hes actually right this is an issue that needs a nerd specifically too the thing that makes it work ((the tavern 3 beast that multiplies battlecries)) it needs to be tavern 5. which would make this go from very consistent to a “high-roll scam build” which is far more acceptable since it cant be started and forced on turn 3-6 but typically turn 8-10 which makes it ALOT less rediculous.

they said 3 high health minions, the first 2 leeroys erase 2, mantid gets the last one

Unless they got lucky and fused it with the T6 elemental that fuses with any 2 pairs of elemtals - with divine shield :smiley: Murlocs probably have the absolute advantage in dealing with this kind of cheese (I think). But where there are Elementals, there aren’t necessarily Murlocs around or vice versa ^^