Undead in BG's still ruining it in other ways

Hello! Just got done with another day of playing BG’s and I’ve come to notice another pattern with undead tribe, now I appreciate the nerfs that Blizzard did, it did fix the tribe a lot and make it a lot more balanced.

My issue with undead is purely the amount of face damage I’m taking early game, when it’s impossible to clear a board until you scale, all the reborns just make me garuntee 15 to face with damage cap by turn 7/8 if I go up against them, and if I’m trying to force any other tribe, it just feels impossible to survive long enough to actually play another tribe due to the sheer amount of face damage I’m taking

I noticed a major difference from the previous season, so I recorded my gameplay to look, and it’s purely that, maybe other tribes out-scale undead later in the game, but I’m rarely making it there anymore when it comes to these tribes

Let’s take Naga tribe
To get that rolling for the most part you really need Tidemistress to get scaling or you’ll struggle to make it to end game. You either need to triple into her with your first tier 5 triple, or get extremely lucky it feels, I’ve still yet to get a good quilboar game going ever, sheerly out of that turn 7/8 I’m already taking damage cap from undeads because if I want to force my tribe, I have to sacrifice to face health to get there in order to tavern up enough, but by the time I’m there I’m either dead, or if I play to survive by the time I’m there it’s too late in the game for me to keep up with the scaling.

I feel like as much as the cards are more balanced, they’re just simply too strong early game with the reborn that I’m sacrificing too much face health too them.

Unfortunately I’m not a game-dev, I am not good with solutions, I guess just run dual bombadier the entire game or something

If I play any hero with high armour I feel like I have a much greater chance to survive than an actual fun hero with no armour til the late game, the only fix I could think of personally is maybe bumping all face health up to 50 (pathwerk to 70) and maintaining the armour.

Am I the only one who is feeling like this? Maybe I’m just trying to play like the old seasons too much, not sure.


Im on the other end of that stick, lol. I feel its easy to go early game whether or not undead is my tribe or not, I tend to snag the reborn taunter regardless and the tavern tipper chicks. But it seems like two turns later everyone is tier 6 already and I havent even gotten a full board yet let alone picked a tribe. While others are speedrunning to tier 6 they are still able to get full boards and triples and Im hardly ever getting any triples. No matter the tribe. I was the only beast tribe this morning out of like 4 undead and a couple dragons and one leaver. It wasnt until I was tier 6 that the game showed me my first leapfrogger. never once did it give me a baron 2.0 thingy. game ended the next round so whatevers lol.

This game it’s full of false rng, open yours eyes

Just experienced a match where AFK was first to tier 6. on like turn 5 or something stupid early… I had just become tier 3. Seriously, how can people be getting full boards and racing like hell spending all their mana the moment they can upgrade? WITH triples!

Yea, Undead is way over powered, 100% agree

It’s not a special Hero Power, but health is resource even in BGs. Like Gold, you can spend your health as you please as long as it doesn’t reach zero. Maybe choose to take a big hit but go up a tier into stronger minions. It’s all part of the game. Who cares is Zeph is hitting some ez triples if you’re in the Tier he has to triple into to access, for example.

The current Undead after nerfs most certainly feels like if you have a lot of health available, you can speed up to top Taverns and stabilize with some decent luck from Bob’s Shop.

No. It’s not WAY overpowered.

Pretty sure this is impossible given she has zero gold until turn 3 and remains on Tavern 1. You have a vid or at least a pic?

Or something stupid early. if you are gonna quote me to make a rebuttal, dont snip the quote of its full meaning and context. Im being over the top obvious and hyperbolic when I put a number on it and follow up with “or something stupid early.”

Congratulations for being overly literal without a sense of exaggeration or humor. You won the thread. Now stop being an obvious, albeit unintended, and i say this as tongue in cheek as I can, troll. But seriously learn how to hear the words in front of you instead of only reading them. No one here is writing like this is a user manual so monotone literality isnt the default position.

Show me a vid of every characters earliest possible topdeck highroll progression to reach t6. ***

***Not being serious with this statement.

Thank your for part of my morning’s entertainment. I was asking a legit question as I was pretty curious how AFK could pull such a feat. You outta chill and step away from the game if a small sentence is going to tilt you out of this dimension.

Elementals beat undead with ease. Undead win only when they get way more quality minions than elementals.
Same goes for dragons. Undead need multiple tier 5 and/or 6 minions to be busted. Dragons need tier 3 and 4 which are easier to come by.

Post vid or you didnt happen :upside_down_face:

except every class except undead tend to be starved of cards and triples in particular.

The last time I played dragons I did not get a single tier 3 or 4 dragon.

Then you actually didn’t play dragons. Perhaps you wanted to, but you didn’t.

Anyway, doesn’t addres my point at all.


ok I am on tier 4, I click though 10 gold I see a single t1 dragon, I see 3 of the undead reborn t1 minion on that single turn but dont buy them.

Your point? A lucky elemental build can beat undead. meh not going to disagree. Just game after game when you pick something other then undead only to be card starved. You reach turn 10 after purchasing maybe 10 cards total and then bam 30 damage from that guy playing undead with half his deck tripled.

My point is undead are not strong. “Luck” is.
Complaing about a tribe being weak just because you didn’t get “lucky”, and didnt get enough of its minions is just plain stupid.

A non “lucky”, regular, elemantal build can beat undead. Unless undead are really “lucky”.

The BG is just a mess right now, I just focus on defense and make sure i get to top 4 . trying to do tribes is just to stressful right now. use mutiple tribes and make combos with them and defend till you are in the top for, after that it doesn’t matter to me if I get 1st.

The biggest warbands I’ve seen in the vicinity of 5000 SR have been pirates. A beast warband with reborn parrot and two rivendares can easily end the round with two or three rats or turtles with over 500/500. I don’t see many pure undead tribes make it to the top 4 lately.